I think we have just been insulted......

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LOL Pepe! ROFL!!!!!

Too much reading I'd say~~~~~~~!

^-^ ♥

Posted at 6:37pm Apr 13, 2009 EDT

There's a TON of wonderful art here, probably made by a combination of "trained" and "untrained" artists. Obviously this dude is a wee bit quick to judge other artists just because they don't do things his way. Pffffftttt!!!

Posted at 9:29am Apr 12, 2010 EDT

crazybeads avatar
crazybeads says

busterandboo says:
Clearly he hasn't really looked around Etsy.


Posted at 9:31am Apr 12, 2010 EDT

.....this thread is seriously old.

why in the world was it brought back now?

Posted at 9:39am Apr 12, 2010 EDT