According to new Etsy interpretation, could I

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PussDaddy avatar
PussDaddy says

Of course you could just email admin and ask them this.

Posted at 3:00pm Aug 14, 2008 EDT

Dreamwoven says

why o why does it seem that etsy will be going the route of ebay??? (remembering back to the ebay of the early 90's and how it eventually corporatized itself into 'just another selling site')

this depresses me

Posted at 3:01pm Aug 14, 2008 EDT

TagsOnBags says

heres a post from stella regarding employees

Handmade by YOU (which could be a plural "you" in a variety of arrangements) is the key for Etsy.

I wish I could be a plural "you", I'd get so much more done!

Posted at 3:02pm Aug 14, 2008 EDT

artisanwoodcrafting avatar
artisanwoodcrafting says

you wouldnt have to be really big to have an employee, many small businesses have a couple of employees. and the worries here are that bigger businesses can slip in now

Posted at 3:02pm Aug 14, 2008 EDT

I guess if its only a few hours a week but minimum wage here is around $9/hr, plus paying into the various taxgrabs the gov't has...

Posted at 3:05pm Aug 14, 2008 EDT

Thom Cleary avatar
ItzGlitz says

It appears to me that the new rules would allow General Motors to sell cars on Etsy. They are all made by employees of the firm. All they would have to do is furnish names.

I know this is absurd, but I do think it meets the new rules.

Posted at 3:06pm Aug 14, 2008 EDT

quirkybags says

Oh, if only I had a million dollars...

Posted at 3:10pm Aug 14, 2008 EDT

What it comes down to is MONEY, the more a shop can list the more money Etsy makes!

Dollar signs are clouding the vision of what Etsy was suppose to be!

Posted at 3:12pm Aug 14, 2008 EDT

I see that this is still a topic of interest for many sellers. Our policies are stated in the DOs & DON'Ts. Please remember that you cannot take one portion of the rules separate from the rest.

Yes, we have policies that allow for multiple people to be involved in a shop, either as a collective (requirements for which are defined in detail in the D&D) or via the use of production assistance (again, detailed in the D&D). In either case, disclosure is key. All shops must state who made (or helped to make) the item and the relationship between individuals involved in a single shop.

Several people in these threads have brought up the sort of "worst case scenario" extreme example of a sweat shop employing 100 people making things to a single designer's specifications. That's a huge logical jump from what myself or MaryMary or any other Admin has said on this topic. A shop such as this would not be allowed on Etsy given the rest of our rules. Perpetuating the idea that this is the direction Etsy is headed is just not constructive or beneficial to anyone. Etsy's mission is to help people make a living making things and provide an alternative to mass-production. We haven't forgotten that.

Posted at 3:14pm Aug 14, 2008 EDT

quirkybags says

Where, exactly, is the line drawn, stella? How many employees puts a shop over the top?

Posted at 3:16pm Aug 14, 2008 EDT