~♥ Etsy Angels Team October Breast Cancer Fundraiser ♥~

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Check out the Sales for the Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser....

Ozarknana - 18

MamaJody - 11

Wildlifer - 7

SewingGranny - 6

Maranda - 14

Handjstarcreations - 2

CraftsbyChris - 30

ArrivingAngels - 7

MountainEagleCrafter - 8

BeadedTail - 13

Silkcreekgallery - 15

Crochetbymsa - 2

CapsforCancer - 2

***** 140 Sales in Total


Posted at 9:15pm Oct 31, 2010 EDT

Hi Mona...

Yep...add me to the list of angels! Not sure if I'm Halo worthy...but what the heck! :0)

Great new listing gals and congrats on the sales!

I'll get my donation figured out tonight!

Posted at 9:16pm Oct 31, 2010 EDT

MamaJody54 says

Evening Angels!!!

Tricker Treaters all gone. Only Maya and me home to hand out the candy and poor furbaby had to be gated in the kitchen so that she would not run out the door.

Here is the link requested


There is a regognition name where I put Etsy Angel Jody Robert. Anyone can do this if they want to.

Posted at 9:17pm Oct 31, 2010 EDT

MamaJody54 says

My total for the month (unless I get another sale) is $43.00, so I rounded us to $50.00.

This has been my best month ever!!!!!

Posted at 9:19pm Oct 31, 2010 EDT

lol...of course we will place your halo back on Michelle, we understand you were in a bad place and needed to step back for a bit but then that is what the Angels are all about...love, support and a shoulder to cry on when needed!!!

Hi Mama....thanks I will make my donation tomorrow when I get home...poor Maya!

Be sure to tune in tomorrow in our new thread with some neat new ideas....Melana will be taking care of it as I am off to work for a 12 hour day.

Posted at 9:21pm Oct 31, 2010 EDT

MamaJody54 says

So far we have these donations:


SEwinggranny....$9.75...will round of to $10.00


MamaJody....$43.00 ... will round up to $50.00

Posted at 9:21pm Oct 31, 2010 EDT

Wow, Mama...that is super...

So far we have these donations:


SEwinggranny....$9.75...will round of to $10.00


Mamajody...$43.00 ...will round of to $50.00

Posted at 9:23pm Oct 31, 2010 EDT

Jody...congrat on all the sales!! That is fabulous!! :0)

Posted at 9:23pm Oct 31, 2010 EDT

Ozarknana says

Great news Silky! And as far as being "halo worthy" there is a long line of us that need to take those things off once in a while to "lock and load"! LOL....

Thanks for getting that link to us Jody, I'll be sure to pull it and put it in tomorrow's new thread.

Posted at 9:31pm Oct 31, 2010 EDT

Ozarknana says

I wanted to take a moment to thank the Angel's that worked so hard this month on promoting the Team and our Breast Cancer Charity. When we pull together, as a team we can get amazing things done. That's what Team work is for.....working together for a common cause!!

I also wanted to thank our Angel Helper's.....

SilkCreekGallery, Michelle (who has returned to Angel Status)

Crochetbymsa, MaryAnn

Capsforcancer, "Caps"

Thank you gals for spending your month here with the Angels raising money for Louisville Race for the Cure. It is especially heartwarming for me to see members of the Etsy community joining in on one of our fundraisers. Thank you all very, very much for your dedication to helping find a cure for Breast Cancer and for helping the Etsy Angel's Team!

Posted at 9:41pm Oct 31, 2010 EDT