What does the confederate flag mean to you?

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urbangipsy sagt

ouch !

Geposted um 21:31 13. Mar 2008 EDT

the *original* confederate flag represents the states that wanted to sede the union and own slaves

Geposted um 21:31 13. Mar 2008 EDT

muddyhorsegallery avatar
muddyhorsegallery sagt

You do realize that the majority of white southern residents were too poor to own a slave. Only a small portion of the population actually owned slaves.

Geposted um 21:33 13. Mar 2008 EDT

ArtisticallySpeaking ~ love your post. I was thinking it but you said it wonderfully.

Does anyone remember who brought the slaves to the states in the first place? The Dutch and the Portuguese. Do any of you hate their flags? Hello....remember Angola?

Does anyone remember the history of the Spaniards in Mexico and all the slaves they brought over and killed with disease and hard labor?

Too many people think of history as taking place in a vacuum and that there are always obvious "good guys" and "bad guys". A single historic event comes about because of centuries of history before it and thousands of people with their own set of circumstances that brought them there. Blanket statements about any historic event are irrational.

Geposted um 21:33 13. Mar 2008 EDT

I don't know your race, muddyhorse, so please take this with the utmost respect: If you are not black, please do not stand and represent yourself to know what the African American population sees the confederate flag as. Many of us see it in many differerent ways. Much respect to you with that comment, seriously.

As part of the "africaan american" population, I do not see that flag as you describe, muddyhorse. I merely see it as a sign ot bigotry, ignorance, and hate.

I don't even think of slavery when I see that flag. All I see is someone who's a bigot, and proud of it.

Matter of fact, you really want to know what I think of when I see that flag? I see a fellow black citizen stripped of his rights, his dignity and his life as he swings from the neck after he's been beaten, humilated and hung from a tree. I see images of folks, even children having picnics and smiling at the "nigger" who's neck is stretched and whose face is in a permanent distortion of fear. I see how meaningless a black person's life is to someone who flies that flag. I see utter lack of respect not only for the black race, but for the one flag of this United States.

And most importantly, I pull my child close to me because I am afraid.

That's what I see.

Geposted um 21:35 13. Mar 2008 EDT

muddyhorsegallery avatar
muddyhorsegallery sagt

Thank you Ancient...I was trying to figure a way to say that.

Geposted um 21:35 13. Mar 2008 EDT

If you have read "The Most Southern Place on Earth" that details that time, you'd of read the south was largely unpopulated except for plantations, their employees and slaves.

Geposted um 21:35 13. Mar 2008 EDT

PussDaddy avatar
PussDaddy sagt

See, I hang around a bunch of young people, teens to late 20's. Half of them dropped out of school, and the other half are too stoned to know where they are half the time. So when they say, Oh, I think your necklace is so cool, I just say, really, well you shouldn't and here is why. Usually this is the first time they ever heard any of this, and it is an eye opener. The people who just want to rant and rave at me, I just let them, because I know what I am about.

Geposted um 21:36 13. Mar 2008 EDT

Thanks, ruthie...that statement was a stab through my heart and I didn't know how to respond. Really did hurt me deeply.

Geposted um 21:36 13. Mar 2008 EDT