Am I the only one upset about vintage children's books?

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julianne says:
vintage books are safe only if you promise not to let a child read them.....
Sugar and Spice: why do you say that? They're only not safe if they have high levels of lead. Most are fine.

How do you know they are safe if you haven't tested them?
You can keep them, you can read them, you can let your kids read them.
The ALA's lawyers have looked at the law, and the Pre-1985 children's books in the library are not vintage books. They are there to be read by children, and the ALA is very concerned (they also say that Congress members are shocked to learn that the law they wrote includes books) and believes the only real remedy for them is for books to be exempt.

you don't have to fail the testing for the state AG to file
suit. They can file suit based only on the fact that you don't have
third party testing done, because the stay doesn't apply to them, and the law specifically gives them the authority to sue businesses who are selling without certificates (regardless of lead content).

And.... The Smart Mama, who is also a lawyer, (she has a real name, I
just can't think of it at the moment), XRF tested several books at her

Tested 1947 Mother Goose book using XRF - color images test at 2500
ppm lead

1922 Kampumbo in Oz book - ink tested at 225 ppm lead and the color
plate cover tested at 620 ppm lead

also XRF tested my 1947 Little Women - some lead at 26 ppm in color
plates, cover with red dresses tested at 106 ppm #cpsia

My family does read those books, and we buy and sell out of print children's books for children to read. Hundreds and hundreds of other homeschooling families do the same.

Not all out of print children's books are vintage.

Posted at 11:40am Feb 10, 2009 EST

uknowuneedanother says:

What kinds of drugs do these people take? Has everyone lost their mind?

wow we are entering a bubble. If they arent ok for kids are they ok for adults and if so why. What happens to all the books in the libaries, schools , etc. Im in shook!

Posted at 12:27pm Feb 10, 2009 EST

I just came back from my local thrift store with tears in my eyes! I watched as boxes and boxes of childrens books were thrown into the garbage! Today was the deadline and I just cant believe it! Every book they had on the shelves peior to 1985 was destroyed! I managed to grab a 1967 edition of "The Outsiders" from the top of the box, but so many! It makes me sad:(

Posted at 12:30pm Feb 10, 2009 EST

No way!!

Posted at 12:33pm Feb 10, 2009 EST

Opalessence- I am in shock.

Posted at 12:37pm Feb 10, 2009 EST

They wouldnt le me take any more but I seen at least 10 Little Golden books in the pile along with Disney

Posted at 12:37pm Feb 10, 2009 EST

herrondipity avatar
herrondipity says

Call the news media, pile a bunch of books with a Bic lighter in front of the speaker of the houses office building,call the speakerers office and say it's time for her photo op.

Posted at 12:38pm Feb 10, 2009 EST

Kultur says

Opalessence: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! That is TERRIBLE!!!!!

Posted at 12:41pm Feb 10, 2009 EST

Christine Hamre avatar
SugarAndSpice says

DHM....yes, you're right. You don't know for certain unless they're tested. But right now there are a lot of people jumping to conclusions about pre-1985 books, and I don't think that's helping anything.

Posted at 12:45pm Feb 10, 2009 EST

This makes me so sad. I know I may get a lot of negative feedback for this, but all I can think of with the books issue is Germany in the 1930s. It's so sad. So so sad.

Posted at 12:49pm Feb 10, 2009 EST