GOT GLASS? The FIRE DIVAS do!...This Week's New Lampwork Listings 7/20-7/26

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Hey Janel, You are picking bead of the day, right???

Great posts and treasuries...

Posted at 7:55pm Jul 23, 2009 EDT

Lauren that treasury is smokin hot right now!!

Holly that's right, I'm off to find one!

Posted at 8:28pm Jul 23, 2009 EDT

maybeads says

That is gorgeous! Nice pick, Janel!

All that talk about custom orders, and I just got one! For two Boston terriers, one on top of the other (playfully, not naughty). I've never done a dog on top of a dog before - huh. I wonder how many tries it will take .

Off to promote that Bead of the Day!

Posted at 9:34pm Jul 23, 2009 EDT

I can't keep up to you guys! I've listed a new bird, a blackbird. Playing with a different photo style, not sure I love it though.

Posted at 9:35pm Jul 23, 2009 EDT

islandgirl says

Good Morning... A stormy day here... guess it's a change from fog

Love yesterday's Bead of the Day... it's my turn to pick tomorrow!

here's today's relist

Posted at 8:25am Jul 24, 2009 EDT

I will be back later. My kids think I need to feed them breakfast...

I just want to make sure you read today's installment of Open Studio Friday, which I LOVE the one for today: http://

And also go take a look at the interview I did for The Handmade's Tale:

Posted at 9:02am Jul 24, 2009 EDT

Lauren I love your shnowzer!

NV I hearted your blackbird!

Jennifer those are great features! Congrats!

Lynne I like that relist!

I'm excited because I get to melt glass today!

Have a good bead day Divas! :)

Posted at 9:37am Jul 24, 2009 EDT

maybeads says

Nicole - I'm lovin' the blackbird!
Lynne - the bicone is wonderful!
Jennifer - I enjoyed your interview on cinnamon and honey - read it through Facebook. I hadn't seen you 1000 Markets shop before - your jewelry is gorgeous!!! I'll check out the open studio feature later - those are fun.
Janel - thank you, and enjoy torching! Make something pretty, like this one:

Posted at 9:45am Jul 24, 2009 EDT

Goodness gracious! Look at you Divas GO!

NValentine, cute bird... it looks tiny. I forced myselt fo make tiny beads yesterday... I have a NEW appreciation for those who do that regularly!

Lynne, Your focal is drippy, dreamy, lovely!

Off to the creek.

Oh, I did make those cookies and...just like in childhood...ate so many, I got a tummy ache! I'll get the recipe up in a blog post shortly.

Posted at 10:33am Jul 24, 2009 EDT