GOT GLASS? The FIRE DIVAS do!...This Week's New Lampwork Listings 8/10-8/16

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Gorgeous pendants BlueLagoon!! :-)

I love your tote bag too.... I bet there are a lot of lampworkers that would love one! If I didn't already have something similar.. I would snatch your up!!

I just listed a new set...

Sunset Dance~

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Posted at 5:55pm Aug 14, 2009 EDT

glassbead says

Bluelagoon- cool vortex:
As for dots- get your rhythm going!
Inferno, I like this one:
I got to rivet my first bead today at the local glass shop. Just used aluminum to try it. It was kind of fun.
My shop is emptied out for the weekend. Hope y'all have a great one!

Posted at 6:41pm Aug 14, 2009 EDT

Thank you for your comment on my hemp bracelets Maybeads!

Bluelagoon you do great work!!

Posted at 7:24pm Aug 14, 2009 EDT

melissa...did you see this fish in your shop...she is adorable...

off to clean some beads and maybe even torch a little tonight...

wow...i can't believe loretta is going to expire soon...please, promo her so she can find a good home...

Posted at 8:56pm Aug 14, 2009 EDT

Lutrick says

Ohhh, treasury opens up soon.

Posted at 9:36pm Aug 14, 2009 EDT

Lutrick says

Hi all, Nicole's Bead is the Bead of the day.

Posted at 9:41pm Aug 14, 2009 EDT

Got a Treasury with some Divas in it:

Posted at 9:57pm Aug 14, 2009 EDT

good morning divas...a trip to the doctor this morning...that naggy asthmatic cough my son has...must be the season...

here's a new pair of earrings i listed yesterday...

my round robin diva is's something from her shop...bottle stopper...

lara...beautiful treasury, you too bluelagoon...i c&c'd them both...
here is one item from both of your shops...

Posted at 8:36am Aug 15, 2009 EDT