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When it takes over a month to save $400 for a bankruptcy attorney, saving possibly thousands to fight over the house is a daunting task.

Posted at 11:23pm Nov 6, 2007 EST

Pollys says

hate to admit it, get legal help even if it is money you can't afford. Something odd going on here and you may not be the first one. Also bear in mind the states is having one hell of a time for repossessions, the effect on everything is even starting to bounce over here in Uk now. people are frightened to lend to those who may be struggling. If you find you can't handle this there may be some help somewhere with free advice or you may have a legal help line attached to the policy etc: Whatever you do, don't think it will go away, it won't. In the long run you may have to cut your losses and get out before more money is paid out.. it is not nice at all.

Posted at 11:23pm Nov 6, 2007 EST

muddyhorsegallery avatar
muddyhorsegallery says

Look at the original contracts your parents signed. How long is it good for? The owners cannot just "change their minds" in the middle of a contract. That is exactly what a contract is for...to protect both the owner and the buyer. As long as your family is current on their payments and makes their payments on time, you should be able to force the owners to live up to the agreed contract for the time frame it stipulates.

Posted at 11:23pm Nov 6, 2007 EST

I'm sorry, this is complicated. You do need an attorney. If you didn't get a contract after the 1st year, I'm not sure what will happen.

Posted at 11:24pm Nov 6, 2007 EST

Definite legal help. I thik even without a contract, if they let you live there for a year, then you have affirmative defense. But make sure with an attorney.

And I would find out what it is about that property that they are so all of a sudden interested in.

Posted at 11:33pm Nov 6, 2007 EST