I am going to my first "real" Craft Fair... Any Tips?

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marynewton says

When people ask you how your day is going ( and they will ) always smile and say
" Great! I'm having fun!" They really don't want to hear that no one's buying or that you're in a bad location. Be positive!

Posted at 10:02pm Mar 24, 2008 EDT

Thank you SOOOO much everyone. This is really helping! When I have done a few smaller things in the past and always felt like I was bothering them if I greet them or talking too much. I like to be friendly, but dont want them to think they HAVE to buy something you know....

Posted at 10:12pm Mar 24, 2008 EDT

I think the singlemost important thing when you're at a show is to be friendly! Time and again I do extremely well at shows, even when others are talking about how horrible they're doing. But then many of those same people sit behind their booth, don't make eye contact, don't say hello to passers-by, generally aren't friendly or approachable. It makes a HUGE difference.

Posted at 8:39am Mar 25, 2008 EDT

bookmarking...i am doing some shows in september...:)

Posted at 6:41pm Mar 25, 2008 EDT

Ooh, keeping an eye on this thread, too... can never have too much info.

Posted at 7:15pm Mar 25, 2008 EDT

art2theextreme says:
Thank you SOOOO much everyone. This is really helping! When I have done a few smaller things in the past and always felt like I was bothering them if I greet them or talking too much. I like to be friendly, but dont want them to think they HAVE to buy something you know....


It's important to greet people when they stop. Even though you get sick of saying the same thing every time, I've found that telling them something they may not know from a quick glance is good. For me, it's, "The pins pull right off if you want to have a look," or some variation of that. A jeweler friend stresses that the silver pieces are handmade by her. When I worked in a B&M store, I greeted everyone with, Let me know if I can answer any questions.

Posted at 7:28pm Mar 25, 2008 EDT

cmu55 says

Wear comfortable shoes and clothes, wear a big smile and have a great time:)

Posted at 7:31pm Mar 25, 2008 EDT

Are there any tips for displaying artwork. I have never done this really, so I do not have fancy crates and signs, etc. Will it look bad if I do not look "Official" with a store made sign, etc. What are some easy ways your display your work?

Posted at 7:53pm Mar 25, 2008 EDT

CoryellDesign avatar
CoryellDesign says

I just stick mine on the table, art2theextreme. I think as long as you make it look like people are free to touch your work, it will be fine. i've found that overdesigned displays kind of turn people off.

THings that I can't live without at a fair:

Hand Sanitizer
Two Pens (because one of them will not work)
Dog biscuits (not a joke)
guest book
business cards
a towel (for being a hoopy frood with)
bright, solid table coverings
flowers (for yon tables. people love to come look at them from across the way)
Boxes or
bags (depends how you want things carried away)
change (yes, I'm sure I'm the only person on earth dumb enough to forget the change - and I've done it twice)

Posted at 8:00pm Mar 25, 2008 EDT