What does "making a living" mean to you?

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1. Sustenance of self, family and chosen community. Making choices that help further the "plot" along. Not using more than needed.
2. Personal integrity.
3. Mental/emotional health
4. Being capable of doing EVERYTHING; not always perfectly, but well enough to never NEED to rely on a single human being for anything.

Posted at 11:10pm Dec 27, 2008 EST

well i guess it means a few things to me. By making a living off my craft i would have to live my craft..from beginning to end. What i reap from my craft would sustain my craft and a "normal" life.

i personally think the hardest part is getting to that point...until that point you have to focus either on other ways to make money or be a "starving artist"!

Posted at 11:13pm Dec 27, 2008 EST

berrybluecreations avatar
berrybluecreations says

To me making a living is making my life a happier world to live in. Life without creativity.. who needs it. Doing what I love and loving what I do makes getting up in the morning that much more fun. I'm not "making a living" with my craft yet, but all in due time.

I love my life.

Posted at 11:14pm Dec 27, 2008 EST

Being able to pay the bills and have enough left over to buy a few things I want. Nothing extravagant... just some extras.

Posted at 11:15pm Dec 27, 2008 EST

stacykitty avatar
stacykitty says

making a living would be doing something I enjoy that does more than provide the bare basics yet less than luxury living...

Posted at 11:15pm Dec 27, 2008 EST

eclipse says

Making a living means:
You are able to live on what you make.

A. "Live"= to pay for food, shelter, clothing, providing for your children if you have them, etc.

B. "what you make"= earned income, does not include gifts, parents sending you money, public assistance, trust fund, etc.

It's possible to do A (feed & house yourself and your kids) while not doing B. Thus you are living, but not living off what you personally make.

It's possible to do B (earn some money) while not doing A.
Thus you are earning money, but not enough to actually live on.

"making a living" requires both A and B.

Posted at 11:17pm Dec 27, 2008 EST

Leigh Stevens avatar
LeastLikely2Breed says

"Making a Living" to me means covering the basics with just a wee bit more. As an aside - it seems to be a sad phrase to me.

Posted at 11:19pm Dec 27, 2008 EST

Kymsart777 says

To make a living to me means to be self supporting. Health insurance, food and shelter, etc.

For me, I have always had a home business, (22 years running a large family daycare) but my husband has always been the main support of the household, and my income is supplemental. It is what I wanted, because I wanted to be at home with my kids. Now, they are almost grown...1 out of the 4 is under 19...so I am ready to focus more on me!

Posted at 11:21pm Dec 27, 2008 EST

For me, it means being able to stay home and bring in some income so I can be available for my son.
The satisfaction of doing something I enjoy and working for myself is unbeatable.
If I can continue paying the mortgage payments & groceries from my Etsy profits, that would be enough to keep me happy for years to come. =)

Posted at 11:21pm Dec 27, 2008 EST

LeastLikely2Breed says:
"Making a Living" to me means covering the basics with just a wee bit more. As an aside - it seems to be a sad phrase to me.

I agree making a living does seem like a sad phrase to me also. Could we come up with a better term?

Posted at 11:22pm Dec 27, 2008 EST