What's the Key to Success? (BLOG FEATURE!)

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AMIdesigns says

if what you are making isn't selling then try something different - and if it sells then make more of them!

Posted at 3:31pm Feb 9, 2010 EST

Lisa Amato avatar
photoamato says

Networking. A large portion of my business comes from people that have found out about me through various networks. Family, friends, Facebook, coworkers, neighbors...you name it. Let your network work for you.

Posted at 4:17pm Feb 9, 2010 EST

As a relative newbie, I have found the forums VERY helpful. The more time I spend in the forums reading and talking, the more I learn and the more my network grows. I try to read and respond to threads in the Business section, but I also spend my fair share of time trying to give out critiques as I found them really helpful when I first started. Without the forums, I wouldn't know about the treasury, treasury clock!, craftomania tool bar (just found it today!), twitter, naming photos, google analytics, and the list goes on.

The short of this long post is THE FORUMS. Read, respond, and post. You will learn from there!

Posted at 4:39pm Feb 9, 2010 EST

Karen avatar
TheWellSeasonedNest says

"I am always doing things I can't do and that's how I get to do them." Pablo Picasso. A magnet on my office/studio inspiration board...to that end I'd say, believe in yourself, and keep on pluggin'!

Posted at 4:44pm Feb 9, 2010 EST

Thanks a bunch everyone! So many great responses, I decided to feature 8 on my blog:


Posted at 2:19pm Feb 13, 2010 EST

javagirls says

It's no secret......Hard work, persistence, quality of product, networking, positive attitude, customer service......and more. :)

Posted at 2:23pm Feb 13, 2010 EST