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inkstrand says

Ooo, very nice blog, ArtTales! I'm interested (one of the 125x125 squares), so I'll throw my hat into the ring.

So why pick me? My shop is growing but needs promotion to get it out there. As a new shop, I can't afford much in the way of advertising, so the opportunity it would be very appreciated. Also, most of my items are created from found, recycled items with a vintage/steampunk inspired style.
Take a look:

Posted at 1:47am Feb 15, 2010 EST

Wow, this thread is going fast! Just coming back to take a look!

Thank you ArtTale, your plush animals are so adorable and their pictures are all so sharp!

I like this one:D

Posted at 1:54am Feb 15, 2010 EST

ArtTales says

Thanks sophinegiam :)

Posted at 1:58am Feb 15, 2010 EST

ArtTales says

Whew ok that's all for me tonight. If I sent you a convo, I will put your ad up tomorrow!

Posted at 2:16am Feb 15, 2010 EST

ArtTales says

Once I place all the ads, the spaces will be full.

I hope this little movement will continue and we can all find different and fun ways to help each other.

Feel free to continue to comment and I can get next month's lineup ready.

Posted at 10:39am Feb 15, 2010 EST

WithinWire says

What a fun blog. I know I'm too late for this months advertising but if you could consider me for next month I'd appreciate it. Many thanks.

Posted at 10:58am Feb 15, 2010 EST

ArtTales says

I will put you on the list :)

Posted at 11:24am Feb 15, 2010 EST

WithinWire says


Posted at 11:34am Feb 15, 2010 EST

ArtTales says

It's that time again!

I have 10 125x125 spaces available and 1 200x200 space for an eco friendly artist.

Posted at 4:37am Mar 11, 2010 EST

VirtueNatural avatar
VirtueNatural says

Because everyone needs to start using organic and all-natural skincare. It's better for your health. :)

Posted at 4:53am Mar 11, 2010 EST