Tips for a very busy sahm?

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Take advantage of being a SAHM! I was lucky enough to be one with my first two sons, now I teach full time. I only wish I had as much time now as I did when I was a SAHM.

Try to promote to your friends and church family. Most people would rather support a friend than a big store, so don't feel you are imposing.

Finally give yourself permission not to be the sole entertainer of your kids all day, every day. It's okay to let them amuse themselves for a while, it's even good for them. I was way harder on myself in regards to my mothering skills when I was a SAHM. I thought I had to bake everything, sew every costume, make the best crafts, etc. My third son has never had a hand made costume, I rarely bake any more, a lot has changed. He seems just fine!

Posted at 10:59am Feb 19, 2010 EST

I'm a sahm too and I also have trouble with the balancing act. I take advantage of nap time! I get things done that require my uninterupted thought process. For me that usually means creating a new layout for a card. Once I get the bare bones of it done, I can walk away and put it together using my "5 minutes here and there" technique. I can leave it somewhere where little hands won't touch it and I can work on it for 5 minutes every once in a while. It took a while to get used to because in a perfect world I would have hours and hours of uninterupted time to create and the flow goes much smoother.

Another thing I do during nap time is all of the computer work; emails, listing items etc. Some days I take that nap time to just chill out and do nothing. Or nap! On those days I get to stay up late after the kids are in bed and I get a couple of hours where I can finish off some cards and start new ones.

It's definitely tough and slow going, but if you keep at it in small time slots it will get done. You have a gorgeous shop. Good luck to you!

Posted at 11:20am Feb 19, 2010 EST

One of my favorite tips I read was list or renew twice as many items as you want to sell each day. I am not a big renewer since my products have a really low price point but if you can afford to renew one bag once a day it will move your product up in searches.

My little guy doesn't take regular naps any more so I make the most out I can out of the mornings and nights when he's asleep.

Posted at 11:24am Feb 19, 2010 EST

Great question, BluBird! I featured you and some of the others in this thread on my "From the Forums" series today:

As for my answer:
I still feel like I'm asking that one EVERYday. It's so frustrating to wonder what my business could become if only I could treat it like a "REAL" 9-5 job and devote all of my attention to it. BUT I am very happy to be home with my kiddos and enjoying their growing so. It's a catch-22, I guess.

I do use my Blackberry ALOT to check email, answer convos and research blog ideas. I wish I had a laptop so I could work right near my kids. Right now I have a nice office/work space, which is just off of the livingroom/playroom. So I can work a bit while they play, but is sometimes risky since I can't actually be WATCHING them (just hearing them) the entire time.

I probably spend TOO much time blogging as a promo tool. I'm not sure how much it helps, but I do enjoy doing it.

And I promote on twitter and Facebook, too.

Posted at 1:51pm Feb 19, 2010 EST

i have four virtually schooled sons and have been running my shop here and hyenacart for several years. I just respond to the ebb and flow of life. I work more when they are sleeping and when dh can be home to put them to bed and play with them. I occasionally check out and go somewhere where I can think and create if necessary. I use work time as social time, talking on the phone while blogging or creating treasury or tweeting or whatever. I share my successes with my real life friends and the struggles so I still feel connected there. I involve the kids with ideas and sometimes photo shoots and watch a movie they like while working. I take days off when needed and make that ok since being a parent comes first.....

Posted at 2:00pm Feb 19, 2010 EST

Something that has helped me a lot managing the kids, the husband, and my job outside the home has been to have my items ready-to-ship.

I know that is not completely possible for a handbag maker with your fabric choices, but you could consider decreasing your custom orders and offer bags that are done.

That way if you get busy with life, you can still renew a bag or two a day, and when they sell, you can just package them up. No worries about trying to make a bag while home life needs your attention more. :-)

Posted at 2:01pm Feb 19, 2010 EST

kotibeth says

Going from 1-2 isn't that bad. Depending on how old the baby is (sleeping time, adjustments for an older child, etc) it shouldn't be too difficult. My oldest was never on a schedule until #2 came and #3 is so on schedule our day is shot if she misses something LOL

I need my shop for my sanity. It's my project and gives me confidence, self esteem, and time to myself. My kids always come first and I know they are only young once, but I do need my time to be a better mommy.

Posted at 2:13pm Feb 19, 2010 EST

A big congratualtions to you!

I understand your situation, I use to be there when I had three in diapers and one barely out of! :)

My best advice is to relax a bit and just prioritize.
Make a list of what absolutely must be done-
What you'd like to get done but will only do if you get to it-
What doesn't have to get done that day but must get done within x amount of days

That way I know what I have to do for that day and have some extra goals too if I find the time.

It also helps to delegate things for others to help you with if you can...

and remember to take some time out for yourself, even if it is just a half hour or so- you don't want to not have some time just for your own personal fun or relaxation...:)

Posted at 2:21pm Feb 19, 2010 EST

congratulations that is!

Posted at 2:22pm Feb 19, 2010 EST

mermaid33 says

It's a juggling act but it's worth it to be at home and do something that we love. Without time to create I would go insane! I have 5 children and in some ways it does get easier but then their needs change and suddenly I'm needed to explain algebra instead of changing nappies. My youngest is 3 and has just started playgroup this term which means I now have 2 mornings a week when I can get on without having to stop and make juice or play post offices! It has just been half term and although all the children are at home I actually get more done as they play together....I'm just here to stop the shouting when something goes wrong..(not really I do take care of them too!)

However many children you have you learn to be organised, sometimes just to leave the house at a certain time of day! Monday is my cleaning day, so that I can concentrate on the family and my business the rest of the week. Once you have a routine that works you'll have time...well that's the theory I hope to fulfil!

P.S. Congratulations on the new addition.

Posted at 2:40pm Feb 19, 2010 EST