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gemmafactrix avatar
gemmafactrix says

the title kinda says it all there.

Posted at 11:37pm Jul 5, 2007 EDT

again, the thread about other sellers was a general discussion, like this comment I made.

DewOnAPetal says:
When I see a shop that has sold a gazzilion things and just joined recently and has bad photos and lousy descriptions and cheesy workmanship and no bio or location, it really makes me feel discouraged because I take so much time to do it right. Is the advice people give newbies worth ignoring after all?

The comments about other states were tonngue in cheek. All the comments were pretty off the wall. No one got mad or defensive, yet the thread was locked for no reason. Some threads that truly do get nasty go on and on forever. And they never lock the Snark threads, which is also a lot of sarcastic joking around too, until it gets too big.

The point is, no one broke any rules! Not even close. guess we can't kid around or have a good discussion about anything anymore. Lack of consistency. Totally.

Posted at 11:45pm Jul 5, 2007 EDT

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Posted at 11:45pm Jul 5, 2007 EDT