Is unofficial (non-admin) policing of the forums fair and equitable?

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emckinstry avatar
emckinstry says

"This type of behavior almost killed the Art Jewelry Mag forum a while back, so they hired a forum administrator to keep things in check (she was very cool too - well-spoken and respectful of everyone). Not sure how that forum is progressing these days, but I know she had a positive effect on it."

Etsy definitely needs more (and more consistent) forum administration, if it wants the community it says it does. If a completely fuzzy bunny forum is desired, it requires a lot of oversight. Fora aren't naturally that way.

Posted at 3:26pm Jun 4, 2007 EDT

This just seems to be going round in circles at this point and the longer it goes on, the more likely it will turn into something entirely unproductive.

As I commented in another thread today, if you take a peek at our jobs page (linked in the site footer), you'll see that we're definitely in the market for help in this respect. As we hire additional staff to help with the Community area, it will be much easier to provide round the clock assistance. It's something we've been working toward for some time now.

That said, we do appreciate when our more experienced members *respectfully, tactfully and lovingly* help new users to understand how the site works, where to find information (including the rules) and alert the staff to problems privately via email or convo.

Posted at 3:30pm Jun 4, 2007 EDT