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BijiBijoux says

Thank you Dainty! Good luck if it's going to sell lol

Posted at 10:26pm Oct 17, 2010 EDT

BijiBijoux says

she had few tests and it wasn't good but they want to do one more and decide to do open heart or not

Posted at 10:27pm Oct 17, 2010 EDT

galla15 says

oh wow! I really hope it goes well tomorrow Biji.

Let me know if there is anything I cna do to help you.

Posted at 10:29pm Oct 17, 2010 EDT

BijiBijoux says

Thank you galla! she had open heart once but now they need to fix the leakage valves:(

Posted at 10:31pm Oct 17, 2010 EDT

galla15 says

be right back phone call

Posted at 10:36pm Oct 17, 2010 EDT

BijiBijoux says

This one has to go tonight before 12pm
Buy BOTH of them and get FREE SHIPPING AND 10% OFF
mention Sunday 's Deal

Posted at 10:52pm Oct 17, 2010 EDT

galla15 says

OK Monday is a Treasury Challenge.

All details of how to do this, and what we would LOVE to have happen can be found here

This is just a challenge. If you can't do a treasury today it is ok. You are encouraged to try and do treasuries regularly when you can.
We would greatly appreciate everyone taking the time to look at the treasuries that we do make. Please click on at least one item in the treasury.

Clicks help make a treasury more popular which help them stay near the top of the list... which means MORE traffic/views!

Also, leave a comment. Comments are another thing to help treasuries become more popular.

THEN spread the love! Tweet the links, convo your friends, help post the list of treasuries throughout the day to other threads on etsy.

Most of all HAVE FUN! This is a great opportunity to discover new shops and new items.


Posted at 11:38pm Oct 17, 2010 EDT

galla15 says

***********MONDAY TREASURY LIST********

Please add the link to your treasury below. Copy the MOST recent list in the thread, add your link and paste the new list here.

Everyone please click on one item per treasury, comment and promote as much as you can.
More details can be found here;
Use this article for Theme/Topic ideas:

Fall Harvest -

Posted at 12:38am Oct 18, 2010 EDT

bonni1982 says

hey creative

biji-wish you all the best x

Posted at 12:47am Oct 18, 2010 EDT