What is the etiquette/rule..?

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ha i know and you will get one.... eventually! :)

Posted at 9:57pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

Sandra Eileen avatar
sandraeileenjewelry says

Enjoy kibblets.

Posted at 9:57pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

CozyCat avatar
CozyCat says

well, my website is my blog so.......directing people to a blog instead of a website wouldn't work for me. My other shop is set up the same way. My domain name points to my blog because the blog is much easier to update and maintain.

Posted at 9:58pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

Sandra Eileen avatar
sandraeileenjewelry says

Ok... clarification is on the way....

Posted at 10:05pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

Is Rob teasing us?

Posted at 10:09pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

Passementerie avatar
Passementerie says

Its a test to see how patient we are :)

(the answer: not very!)

Posted at 10:11pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

watched pot huh?

Posted at 10:11pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

must be a big conference call going on. I will check back in the morning.

Posted at 10:12pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

So, perhaps we need to think about changing the wording on this rule because it causes confusion nearly every time it comes up. :/

The actual rule is this:

"Don't post links or URLs anywhere in your shop to another web site for the purpose of encouraging buyers to purchase your items off Etsy; this is considered fee avoidance."

D&D > Selling: www.etsy.com/dosdonts.php#a4

To clarify:

Sites you *CAN* link/post URLs to without any conflict include: a personal blog, Flickr / Photobucket / other photo-sharing site, a portfolio website where nothing is for sale, a personal website where ALL items for sale are just links back to Etsy (no shopping cart).

If you have a personal website where you sell items through your own shopping cart, or other online shop -- you can ONLY link/post URLs to these if the ITEMS ARE NOT THE SAME as what you have listed on Etsy.

We don't claim exclusive selling rights to your items/designs -- we just don't want you to advertise on Etsy for other places to buy those items. Leading people from Etsy to another site to buy something that's listed for sale on Etsy is fee avoidance.

PS. I've been working for Etsy since the beginning of February 2007. Posts since then are "official" Admin posts. Before that I was just helpful.

PPS. Apparently I can't even take a few hours off the Forums? I'm not a robot, people! I'm trying to make some stuff. ;p

Posted at 10:12pm Nov 29, 2007 EST