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I got fired from a temp job for not being nice to the boss when I was very nice to him. I got the call from my agency, ironically, just 15 minutes after I said "no go" to the boss' little plan for me. He'd shut me in his office and began talking about tying me up with his neckties. Even better, the temp agency told me that I could've handled it better. Their suggestion was to "let it roll off my back." I didn't ask them what "it" was. Bastards.

Posted at 7:58pm Jun 7, 2007 EDT

AVision avatar
AVision says

Sorry to hear you got fired like that. It happens to a lot of people.

I was once fired for helping a customer! lol

I worked in the Valet & Guest Services dept. at the casino. One of our bus tours that came in had a male customer who was considered legally blind. My boss told me to take him around the casino so he could familiarize himself with our gaming area and also to take him to the Players Club so he could get his coupons, etc.. That was to be my job for the remainder of the day (about 4 hours). In the end of the week, I was told I was being fired for doing this job of customer service. It was not a service that they wanted us to extend. Found out later that they had to fire someone and it couldn't be my boss because he was a member of the tribe who owned the casino. :P I went back shortly after and was hired as a dealer. :)

Sorry so long, but one really funny story about that day I got fired:

I took the man over to the Players Club to get him his perks for his stay with us and the girl behind the counter told me that she needed his drivers license (and would not accept any other form of id, including the one saying he is legally blind). I told her he cannot drive, he is legally blind. She stated loudly that unless he can give her his drivers license immediately, she would NOT give him his perks.

The little old man leaned over the counter toward her and said calmly, "Sweetie, if you will let me drive YOU in YOUR CAR to the license bureau, I'd be happy to prove to you why I don't have a license."

LOL, that memory always makes me smile. :)

Posted at 8:00pm Jun 7, 2007 EDT

babyjewels avatar
babyjewels says

Yes, and it was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I can't believe I am saying that, because at the time I was pretty upset. Troubled, paranoid, egomaniacs with poor social skills do not make the best bosses in my experience. I hope to NEVER have another one.

The terms of my dissolution agreement prevent me from telling you a whopper of a story, but I got a nice severance, unemployment and emotional freedom.

I hope you have the same sort of experience. And I hope a great oppportunity comes your way!

Posted at 8:04pm Jun 7, 2007 EDT

almost.... my agency lost some business a few months ago and a few of us were going to get laid off, well our pres finally decided that he would keep us. but basically it has been torture... as a designer I basically sit and stare at my desk all day while the two senior designers get to do all the work. and is if that wasnt bad enough, myself and the other girl who was going to get laid off with me, get to answer phones since our receptionist quit. To make matters worse, in our 12 person agency, the pres acts like he doesnt even know I exsist. sometimes I wish they would let me go so I can move.

I hear they let people go on fridays....

Posted at 8:10pm Jun 7, 2007 EDT

menta avatar
menta says

"Sweetie, if you will let me drive YOU in YOUR CAR to the license bureau, I'd be happy to prove to you why I don't have a license."
Amazing! ^_^

Posted at 8:10pm Jun 7, 2007 EDT

I've not been fired, but once I was not re-hired to a job where during my absence someone accused me of stealing something from a completely different company. *untrue. When my old manager told me, I didn't even understand what she was saying and she had to repeat it several times.

Posted at 8:14pm Jun 7, 2007 EDT

Krystin Spellman avatar
kspell says

pollyannacowgirl - I'm sure you're better off.

Often times the term "lacking initiative" is just code for "we have no managment skills."

Take care and chin up!

Posted at 8:17pm Jun 7, 2007 EDT

waishas says

"unfortuately, my anger is usually accompanied with tears" -polyannacowgirl

Thats how my embarassment/anger comes out, too. It IS quite embarassing...

Posted at 8:18pm Jun 7, 2007 EDT

Wow, everyone. It sounds like getting fired for no reason is not that rare! Geez.

I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt, so when they're jerks, it can be surprising.

However, I went and got an excellent, refreshing haircut and am encouraged by all these responses. :)

Posted at 9:49pm Jun 7, 2007 EDT