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I hope one of these helps.

Posted at 11:34pm Nov 6, 2007 EST

Thanks so much, HRMB.

Honestly, what about the property could they be so interested in? 12 acres are protected under an irrevocable conservation trust, unable to be developed. The house sat empty, on the market, for over 2 years before we bought it. It's safe to assume it would sit empty for some time again.

Posted at 11:36pm Nov 6, 2007 EST

Contact a lawyer at once. You have no time to waste.

Posted at 11:39pm Nov 6, 2007 EST

Pollys says

this really does sound like one of those deals i saw on a programme the other week i think it was a place called Cleveland and it showed streets of boarded up houses where those people who would not normally beable to get a loan were targeted and they could afford the amount at the time but then it started to increase and they could not so they were chucked out by the police in the end. It was horrendous to see these people who said they worked 14 hour days to pay the loans and now have nothing.Their credit rating would never let them get another home again or even other loans. Only one couple got to stay they were white and she had cancer and had to plead her case. Another lot the mother before she died took out a 2nd mortgage on the family home of 40 years and defaulted and the old chap could not understand why his paid up home was being taken from him.

Posted at 11:40pm Nov 6, 2007 EST

owno, but you know there's loopholes in everything. I would find some connections at the local courthouse just to be safe.

Posted at 11:40pm Nov 6, 2007 EST

hogiesgurl says

You should get a lawyer or at least a consultation with one. If you have a contract for 30 years than they should have to abide by that. You should have a lawyer there to read the contract before you sign anything new. If your parents can put off the bankrupcy for a while maybe you could pool your income with theirs and qualify for a loan for the entire property together. The price of the house should never change because that was already agreed on when you bought it and you have paid the 10% down plus any amount that you have been paying towards the house. So you are really refinancing and if the property has gone up in value that is your equity as the homeowner. If they want the house back they should have to pay current market value for it. Call around to loan companies to see if either of you or both together qualify. I would fight for the house.

Posted at 12:07am Nov 7, 2007 EST