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thebeadingtree avatar
thebeadingtree says

The way I understand the wording, is if you are selling earrings on etsy, then you can't sell earrings on the website that you are linking to. Unless that website simply directs the buyer back to etsy for the actual purchase.

Doesn't matter if you have red, white or blue earrings.

Now, if you sell earrings on etsy and tshirts on that website you are linking to, that's ok. Because earrings and tshirts are not the same thing.

Posted at 10:27pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

This is all a battle of semantics.

Meringueshop is right.

Copies, duplicates, reproductions, whatever you want to call them -- they're all the SAME.

If I can buy "XYZ Awesome Earrings by Gemmafactrix" on Etsy, then you shouldn't link/post the URL to another website where I can purchase "XYZ Awesome Earrings by Gemmafactrix".

Posted at 10:28pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

gemmafactrix avatar
gemmafactrix says

If I can buy "XYZ Awesome Earrings by Gemmafactrix" on Etsy, then you shouldn't link/post the URL to another website where I can purchase "XYZ Awesome Earrings by Gemmafactrix".


So it doesn't matter that it's not the same one physical pair of earrings? WHat if the ring's a different size? Size 8 here, size 7 there.

Posted at 10:29pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

Passementerie avatar
Passementerie says

Thank you stella!!!

Posted at 10:29pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

gemmafactrix avatar
gemmafactrix says

Doesn't matter if you have red, white or blue earrings.


THAT makes no sense. I can only sell rings on etsy and NO rings anywhere else?

Posted at 10:29pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

Each one of my hand-pulled original prints are slightly different from each other, due to the nature of the process by which they are made. True, the differences are hard to detect to the untrained eye, but nevertheless, they ARE slightly different. Thus, I will assume I can sell them on other sites. And I plan to.

Posted at 10:30pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

gemmafactrix avatar
gemmafactrix says

This is all a battle of semantics.


No, it's not. It's two very different things.

Posted at 10:30pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

CozyCat avatar
CozyCat says

if that's the case then selling on Etsy would be detrimental. I make scarves. If selling scarves on Etsy means I can't link to any site where I sell any kind of scarves, then I'd have to either not promote my business or be exclusive to Etsy.

Posted at 10:31pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

gemmafactrix avatar
gemmafactrix says

One physical item is completely different than a listing for an item that's made to order. I can easily see why I can't sell one actual item in more than one spot at one time. The design for one item is easily sold in multiple places, because it can be reproduced.

Posted at 10:31pm Nov 29, 2007 EST

Passementerie avatar
Passementerie says

williamholt says:
Each one of my hand-pulled original prints are slightly different from each other, due to the nature of the process by which they are made. True, the differences are hard to detect to the untrained eye, but nevertheless, they ARE slightly different. Thus, I will assume I can sell them on other sites. And I plan to.


Etsy doesn't require your items to be exclusively sold on etsy...the issue here was can you link to an online store that sells the same print (even if each one is hand-pulled) from your etsy shop? The answer is no, you cannot link to the other shop as this may be considered fee avoidance...but you are certainly free to sell the prints in other places.

Posted at 10:32pm Nov 29, 2007 EST