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Kimberley avatar
kimberquinn says

Do i list it as a listing in my shop dont quite understand sorry a little slow this morning a migraine from hell.

Posted at 12:19pm Sep 8, 2010 EDT

good morning
hope to paint today so this is a quick stop
want to read more about the contest so I understand
need to do stuff around the house before I paint otherwise feel guilty
going to read a little then ask questions, I'm sure

Posted at 12:21pm Sep 8, 2010 EDT

Kimberley avatar
kimberquinn says

Good morning donna :)

Posted at 12:22pm Sep 8, 2010 EDT

first question
is the prize one prize divided up 75% to 1st place and 25% to second place

Posted at 12:23pm Sep 8, 2010 EDT

Kimberley avatar
kimberquinn says

Ok read do i put it as a donation when i list in my shop for MORE MEANINGFUL GIFTS

Posted at 12:25pm Sep 8, 2010 EDT

how do people win the gift certificates

Posted at 12:26pm Sep 8, 2010 EDT

good morning kimber

Posted at 12:28pm Sep 8, 2010 EDT

Kimberley avatar
kimberquinn says

Will be back later haft to go to post office bbl

Posted at 12:29pm Sep 8, 2010 EDT

ddots says

sorry kimber - computer crashed just when i was replying!

hiya donna!

ok - i'm about to post an image for you guys to use if you dont have one for the donation GC in our group at mHR


just create the listing that says MMG ANNIVERSARY CONTEST and just have the amount of your donation in the description

donna - you get points like all the other contests with the activities that you see on the lists

right now we have $100 in the GC Prize Basket so the top point earner will win $75 and the second point earner will win $25 in MMG GC's

Posted at 12:34pm Sep 8, 2010 EDT

Morning. Great contest, woo-hoo! And I'll be tied for the lead, briefly!

I would like to donate $15 from each of my shops.

Kimber, I think you don't have to do anything. The winner will shop, and you'll refund the GC amount through PayPal.

Posted at 12:36pm Sep 8, 2010 EDT