Sellers Selling God?

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WickedClean avatar
WickedClean says dont even have scrub in your shop?

Posted at 5:03pm Sep 10, 2007 EDT

Just stare blankly and say "I worship jellybeans". That should do it.

Posted at 5:04pm Sep 10, 2007 EDT

AlbinaRose says

I think a little less rigidity and a little more tolerance will go a long way. But I can only speak for myself. It just isn't as upsetting to me as it seems to be for many who have posted in this thread.

Again, I attribute that to different life experiences we all have behind us or are currently going through.

I know that age has changed me alot with regards to these issues and more recently, our family has experienced two horrible tragedies withiin 3 weeks of each other this summer and that has completely thrown my perspective on life into another dimension.

Posted at 5:04pm Sep 10, 2007 EDT

PigseyArt says

I think the point is, try to avoid controversial stuff if it has nothing to do with your product, it would be like sending out pornography with a product unrelated to sexuality, it is possible to offend the person and it's just unprofessional. I would enjoy getting the porn! Some would enjoy getting jesus pamphlets! but some won't

though once ages ago off ebay I got some Chick tracts with a purchase and god that made my day, those things crack me up, but I did think it was inappropriate.

Posted at 5:04pm Sep 10, 2007 EDT

Thaidreams avatar
Thaidreams says

TwoCatStudio says:
I guess I don't get the anger over this. If you don't want to read the literature, then throw it out. I get stuff I don't want in my Amazon packages, in my Etsy packages, and in my mailbox all the time. I don't get angry, I just either read it or throw it away.

I am a Christian and I wouldn't include this kind of literature in my packages - or any other literature not related to my shop - but I don't see why it would create so much hostility. There was nothing forcing you to read it - it was included in the package and from there the choice was yours

You don't see it as being offensive because you're Christian. The vast majority of the world isn't and would find it offensive I'd bet.

We have a problem in Thailand with missionairies coming here and offering 'free English classes'. Nothing is ever mentioned about Christianity in the advertising and a lot of poor Thais fall for it. Learning English is their ticket to a better job and so a better life and they'll sometimes grab at anything to get it because they can't afford to pay for classes. Then when they're sucked in, they get the Bible thrown at them as 90% of 'learning English' is suddenly all about reading the Bible and accepting God's word. And when they don't want it, they're often harassed by these religious nuts.

The good news (to me!) is that Thailand has the lowest conversion rate to Christianity of any country the missionaries go to. We are 97% Buddhist and we're going to stay that way.

So selling lip balm and including Christian literature is the same thing. It's offering something that wasn't asked for in the first place and in most cases wasn't wanted.

Posted at 5:05pm Sep 10, 2007 EDT

risamay says

Jesus Christ!!! That's not cool. I'd leave her negative feedback. "I ordered lip balm. Not religious lip."

Posted at 5:05pm Sep 10, 2007 EDT

PigseyArt says

If Columbine sudents had the priviledge of knowing "Thou Shalt Not Kill", maybe some lives would have been saved.

Same goes for 911 which I saw live as a lived in sight of NYC
bit inflamatory, would rather this not turn into a fight, but the above statement is a bit silly.

Posted at 5:07pm Sep 10, 2007 EDT

Thairdreams, I cannot stand that kind of 'missionary' work. Do good for the sake of good. Don't try to convert every last single person.

Posted at 5:07pm Sep 10, 2007 EDT

thebeadingtree avatar
thebeadingtree says

SusanAnna, do you believe that everyone has the right to choose which faith they will believe in? I was raised as a Christian smack dab in the middle of the Bible belt, and yet I respect the religions of other and wouldn't think of forcing my beliefs down anyones throat.

To those who are Christians, it might seem a silly thing to have to stop saying Merry Christmas. But there is a very large population out there who don't celebrate Christmas, so why should they be made to feel uncomfortable just so we can feel good by telling everyone Merry Christmas? I see nothing wrong with just saying Happy Holidays.

It's a large world out there and we have to remember that not everyone is a Christian. They have the right to live their lives as they see fit and not have other religions forced down their throats.


Posted at 5:07pm Sep 10, 2007 EDT

SusanAnna says

I would not send a literature note. But where is all this offended at Jesus literature gets us to? I had a lady scream at me because I wished her a "Merry Christmas" and she said I was trying to push my religion on her. Where are we going now days?

Posted at 5:08pm Sep 10, 2007 EDT