effing seriously...

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its just pointless to alert someone to being disrespectful, on all places, the internets

especially when you can be pretty inflammatory yourself..

Posted at 4:04pm May 28, 2008 EDT

PussDaddy avatar
PussDaddy says

I am not trying to make or repel friends or anything, I just think there is a difference in having fun, and unecessary disrespect is all.

Posted at 4:04pm May 28, 2008 EDT

*Backs slowly out of thread lest the "guilty by association" crowd smite me down*


Posted at 4:04pm May 28, 2008 EDT

Krystan says

A lot of us are in here too often, I bet we're all on the same period cycle now. We are PMSing together.

Posted at 4:04pm May 28, 2008 EDT

marymary says

Please treat others with respect when posting on Etsy's forums.



Posted at 4:04pm May 28, 2008 EDT