What is Tibetan Silver?

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IndigoStudio1 avatar
IndigoStudio1 says

I recently made an item with Tibetan silver that I was told by the supplier was 'pure' silver - I think I'll be pulling the piece - thank you for this eye opener!

Posted at 8:11am Sep 24, 2009 EDT

Thank you, Shanmcin, for the article.

I really did not realize that such small amounts of lead (like in a single charm) could cause so much damage.

Posted at 8:41am Sep 24, 2009 EDT

Thanks for the info.

Posted at 12:52am Jan 19, 2010 EST

I sell alot of Pandora style spacers made from Tibetan silver which are lead and nickel free. Customers who cannot wear silver plated jewellery, because the chemicals in their body turn it black and/or removes the plating, love being able to wear the Tibetan silver.

Posted at 1:51am Jan 19, 2010 EST

I have great success with the Tibetan Silver that I sell. And....I also make sure it says Tibetan Silver.

I also use this link: reviews.ebay.com/Tibetan-Silver-A-Buyer-s-Advisory_W0QQugidZ1000000... if anyone has a question about the silver content in my supplies. I think it is always wise to let your buyer decide based on facts, not misrepresentation.

Tibetan Silver (as long as it is nickel and lead free) is a wonderful low cost option to use, if you can. And, it has a nice rustic look to it finish. Each silver has it's uses and anything from pure, silver clay, to sterling, Thai, and Tibetan. Each person has different chemistry in their body and will react differently to any type of metal.

Thank goodness we live in a beautiful world that offers options and free choice!!

Posted at 10:03am Feb 13, 2010 EST

Phyllis Zimmerman avatar
designer2 says

Thanks every one for the info. I was wondering what tibet silver was. I was just about to order some bead caps. Now probably not. I will stick to sterling and a trusted seller.

Posted at 1:49pm Feb 28, 2010 EST

Charity Gamble avatar
eternalstardust says

I recently ordered some Tibetan Silver charms, but as a matter of course as with *any* jewelry I make & list that contains charms from *anywhere*, I state that children and pregnant women should *not* wear the items due to possible lead content. Even pewter & lead-free pewter can contain traces of lead - so I feel it is better to be safe than sorry.

It really is up to the customer as to whether or not they want to buy it - we can inform them, but it is ultimately their choice as to whether or not to purchase.

*I happen to have a body chemistry that turns sterling silver black within a few wearings, so I wear silver-looking jewelry instead.*

Posted at 5:43am Mar 22, 2010 EDT

did you know that you can now buy 100% recycled silver (925) from jeweller's scraps, cameras, mobile phones.
we have an excellent supplier in australia who have a really good environmental policy, which means we get to buy mine-free silver to use in our creations! :)

Posted at 5:51am Mar 22, 2010 EDT

StudioDax says

As jewelry designers/suppliers, it is important that we be as accurate as we reasonably can be. When selling something that is silver colored, but does not contain silver, it is important to mention it in our descriptions.

Calling it "Tibetan Silver" is not enough, since most people will think that it is silver that comes from Tibet.

Posted at 6:01am Mar 22, 2010 EDT

krstz1026 says

ok I was just poking around and getting freaked out by this thread, I use alot of Tibetan silver that I purchase from different places how do you know exactly what the content is? Even if you buy the beads from your local hobby store it dosn't list it. I like working with the spacers I have but I don't want to make things that will make people sick.

Posted at 9:22am Apr 24, 2010 EDT