Do you have TURQUOISE colored items for a COLOR FEATURE on my BLOG?

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Blog name Melissa ;-)

Lots of turquoise in my shop!

Here is a pretty turquoise creamer
or a pair of small plates

Posted at 9:42pm May 24, 2010 EDT

Bex1684 says

Turquoise Shell Earrings! My posting on your Blog comes up under Screen Scene

Posted at 9:48pm May 24, 2010 EDT

Left a comment on your blog as jlcjbuzz,

here's a turquoise item from my shop that I put together;

Posted at 9:54pm May 24, 2010 EDT

Another turquoise item from my shop; this one is a fine art photo not jewelry;
The Turquoise waters of Bermuda (taken by me on vacation)

Posted at 9:57pm May 24, 2010 EDT