Gift Guides: community input & ideas

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mvegan5 says

yes, yes! For the Charity Section

Posted at 10:38am Nov 24, 2007 EST

nek2c says

Thank you, Stella.

Posted at 10:39am Nov 24, 2007 EST

Jen avatar
jenspeaks says

Maybe I've missed them, but I haven't seen any bookmarks in any of the categories.

Posted at 10:44am Nov 24, 2007 EST

smiffs says

I am just afraid that if the categories get so numerous in an effort to include more sellers, then buyers would definitely not be tempted to browse the whole site. The guide can't be an all inclusive search. I love the guides, but I agree that 15 pages for some categories are a bit much and perhaps making it slightly more varied in content would be good. Happy medium whatever that is, lol!

Posted at 10:44am Nov 24, 2007 EST

This has been an excellent discussion so far. Thank you for keeping things civil, on-topic and constructive.

As I mentioned in the original post, these are all things we have to discuss as a team. Changes will not be *immediate* (other than those points I mentioned in the original post), but we'll do our best to keep things moving on our end once everyone gets back from the holiday weekend.

Keep the ideas coming! We're keeping track of the suggestions.

A minor sidenote: Please remember to continue being respectful of others -- this includes being careful not to insinuate or imply any seller/shop is "inferior" in some way because they are not yet included in the Gift Guides. There have been enough hurt feelings over this matter. We know there are thousands of amazing shops on Etsy, and we love you all!

Posted at 11:00am Nov 24, 2007 EST

LittlePies says

I agree Smiffs, some of the guide categories have too many pages, some have too few.

Also, I'd like to throw this in here, I think that the Pets category NEEDS to be items FOR pets.

That's all.

Posted at 11:01am Nov 24, 2007 EST

Rita Nauman avatar
castleman says

thanks lauren.

Posted at 11:44am Nov 24, 2007 EST

Rena B avatar
mydesertstudio says

I would just like to ask a question. I noticed, for instance, that there is a very talented and worthy seller who has four items in the Mom guide and was wondering if others who make similar items will have an opportunity to show those items there. Or will we have to wait until that seller sells out?

I apologize if this question has been answered already.

Posted at 12:03pm Nov 24, 2007 EST

seealso says

magicjelly is my new(est) hero!

i totally agree that the gift guides should be a starting point for buyers shopping on the site.
perhaps there could be a link within the categories to the main item sections corresponding to the gift guide?
eg: on the pen pals gift guide buyers could jump directly to the paper goods or books and zines categories to see everything available.

Posted at 12:05pm Nov 24, 2007 EST

mishkat says

Another vote for a Charity section here - there are many wonderful sellers here who donate all or a portion of their profits from their shop (or certain items in their shop) to charity.

I have bought many holiday gift items from these shops because my family often gives charitable donations for the holidays - this way they are giving a donation and getting a great handmade gift as well!

Posted at 12:40pm Nov 24, 2007 EST