Hillary Nails It: Barak and Celestial Choirs

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burtonwood says

RobinThompsonTX says:
Burton...my skin crawls when I hear that Katrina was GWB's fault.

and I know, as a Texan, I see things ENTIRELY different on that than anyone else, evidently...


You've stated your opinions about Katrina before and I respect them. I do see see it differently.......

For the record.....I do not blame the Bush Administration for the Katrina.....just the rescue effort.

Posted at 11:18am Feb 27, 2008 EST

ha...no...nobody here has offended me at all! LOL...

I simply am in a place where a lot of um, different people ended up after Katrina. and well, I'm a big believer in God helps those who help themselves...or whomever...down to everyone...you cannot sitonyerass and bitch that you didn't get enough, when you won't help yourself.

I am TOTALLY IN AGREEMENT that there are so many people NOT like this, but please understand, I never saw those people. NONE.

I am not offended by anyone here...and I try to be open about Katrina, but it's so hard. And why does nobody blame the local gov't?


shutting up...shutting up....or I won't be offended, but boy will I rack up the points for offending others!!!!

Please accept that there are two sides...

Posted at 11:19am Feb 27, 2008 EST

As a person who lived in MS very near the Gulf Coast in MS when Katrina struck, I can say fairly confidently that Bush IS NOT responsible for the horrible aftermath of that. Has anyone noticed how MS's Gulf Coast has recovered more quickly than N.O. by leaps and bounds? N.O.'s local gov't combined with Louisiana's state gov't. dropped the ball on ALL counts and it's their fault that N.O. is still in such a damn mess. None of that has anything to do with Bush. Oh, and let's not forget the incredibly irresponsible mismanaging of funds by FEMA.

Posted at 11:20am Feb 27, 2008 EST

Ralph Nader keeps looking better to me! Or McCain even! I just think that Obama is scary! Scariest i should say!

Posted at 11:20am Feb 27, 2008 EST

burtonwood says

onyO says:
Burnt, thanks for answering the question re: Obama.

You're proving my point: Democrats vote with their feelings.

Exorcise (exercising a demon keeps them fit) all those nasty demons away. I'm sure Obama would like to add something like that to his changehopechangefuturehopechange tag line.


Thank you for disrespecting my name and the name of my business.

On the spelling issue....I was wrong.

Posted at 11:20am Feb 27, 2008 EST

burton...I can see that point, too...

But I am confused as to why it skips local and state and goes straight to Bush...honest question. I wasn't there, I only know from here...

Posted at 11:20am Feb 27, 2008 EST

HA! OK, posting the question and the answer at the same time!

You rock Burtonwood! Thank you...

Posted at 11:21am Feb 27, 2008 EST

burtonwood says

In 2004 no one voted with their emotions???

Even though there were several terrorist threat level scares??

Posted at 11:23am Feb 27, 2008 EST

Different temperments, I guess. I have struggled with the pressure to be perfect at all times, so I forgive people who become upset and confused after major life changes.

Posted at 11:24am Feb 27, 2008 EST

burnyraisins - i still live in MS, my home for 30+ years. I am quite grateful that Hayley Barbour is my governor and I was not a big fan before the storm. His leadership was amazing.

Posted at 11:24am Feb 27, 2008 EST