Hillary Nails It: Barak and Celestial Choirs

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See my post regarding Katrina. And please, before anyone jumps my ass about things, I was there. I know what happened. I lived in a small town about 45 miles southeast of Gulfport. It was fully 5 DAYS before we had ANY gov't assistance-no food drops, no rescue efforts, no running water, no electricity. We had to have neighbors (not FEMA, not any gov't agency) use their chainsaws to remove the SEVEN trees that had fallen in the front yard so that we could get out of the driveway to go check on our family members because there was NO landline or cell phone service. Gas was not available for use because the pumps run on electricity. It was a desperate and scary and MISERABLE time and yet, you don't see a lot of people from MS bitching like a bunch of babies about how badly they got screwed.

Posted at 11:25am Feb 27, 2008 EST

burtonwood says

Yes the local and State government failed the people of New Orleans......they were the first to fail. Add to that our federal government.

Posted at 11:25am Feb 27, 2008 EST

TonyO says


Burnt, babe in 2004 I'm sure people voted with their emotions. As people will always do.

However, and this is a big, phat distinction, President Bush and Vice President Cheney had, at that time over three years' experience keeping this great nation safe and almost four years of a solid economic record.

The President, as did President Clinton, had a record of leadership and accomplishments prior to seeking the presidency.

My bottom line continues to be, as Chris Matthews asked last week on TV: Can you list what solid legislative and leadership accomplishments Obama has that makes him to be presidential material? Why is he uniquely qualified to lead our great nation?

Now, if you keep talkin' smack about Dubya, I'm going to have to have you audited. I'm hunting with Cheney tomorrow and he owes me.

Posted at 11:26am Feb 27, 2008 EST

burtonwood says

Do they "insure domestic tranquility" and "promote the general welfare"??

Posted at 11:27am Feb 27, 2008 EST

casso... I cannot imagine how horrible it was there, and I'm not articulating well AT ALL what I feel. I want to explain it, but can't...so it comes out horrible...

I feel horrible for the people honestly just trying to get their life back. And, I feel horrible that so many took such wretched advantage of it that it makes it just that much harder for the good people to get on track.

I didn't start out all mean. I was on the phone saying anyone could live in our home...I volunteered for that immediately. I said I'd take any foster children. I'm all about that. There never were any children here to get. I did get many offers for adults to come stay, but by the time I got the calls, we realized the spectrum of people that we had gotten here and I couldn't risk it.

Which also makes me sad to think I could've turned down some fantastic families...but then I think of it, and I never did meet any of those here...only on the internet!

You guys keep giving me perspective...I totally appreciate that...just don't think I'm completely heartless!

Posted at 11:28am Feb 27, 2008 EST

burtonwood says

TonyO....I will ask you a third time to please stop disrespecting my name. Please stop.

Posted at 11:29am Feb 27, 2008 EST

Ok, I changed my avatar because I think people were getting me and Burtonwood confused. Plus this one seems more fitting for this discussion, anyway.

Posted at 11:30am Feb 27, 2008 EST


TonyO thinks that is a little "in your face" gesture. I think it's silly. Notice how he calls me "burned raisins"?

Posted at 11:31am Feb 27, 2008 EST

Jamilary says

I don't know about y'all, but 'round about 2001, Bush and Cheney's experience didn't have me feeling so safe...

Posted at 11:35am Feb 27, 2008 EST

TonyO says:

Can you list what solid legislative and leadership accomplishments Obama has that makes him to be presidential material? Why is he uniquely qualified to lead our great nation?


I think it is pretty well established that

1) You are not voting for Obama
2) You don't think he's qualified for "x" reasons
3) Many people have given you "y" reasons to demonstrate that he *is* qualified
4) You will continue to ignore "y" in favor of "x" because that's just what you want to do
5) Because of #4, further discussion with you re: Obama's accomplishments, qualifications, and leadership abilities is completely and utterly pointless

Posted at 11:40am Feb 27, 2008 EST