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lostmitten says

I put it up on my blog!


PurplePeony - I'm not sure if it keeps track of you from where your internet connection comes from...it has me listed as Waterford, ON even though I'm in Brantford, ON... but at my sister's place, it is correct as having her listed as in Mississauga, and from work it is correct as having it listed from Scarborough.

Posted at 8:57pm Aug 25, 2008 EDT

cloud9designstudio avatar
cloud9designstudio says

wish it worked on wordpress...:(

Posted at 9:01pm Aug 25, 2008 EDT

JoannaGoldman avatar
JoannaGoldman says

but i did find some search words! weird...

Posted at 8:15am Aug 26, 2008 EDT

i think it records you from where your server is located.

just out of curiousity, do you know if visitors recorded on the feedjit map ever disappear? some of my international flags have mysteriously disappeared :(

Posted at 5:09pm Oct 14, 2008 EDT

Stickie Buddies avatar
flirtbuttons says

I have it on my blog, and I like it. It is really nice to see that people come from all over the world.

Posted at 5:12pm Oct 14, 2008 EDT

eyeshoot says

I love Feedjit, it's so clever!

I've had two serious peaks in traffic today with dozens of visits in thirty minute bursts today and I have no idea why! There were a couple of obvious ones such as when I made a post here about blogs with a link back to mine, but the amount of traffic really stood out and my blog is super quiet - I'm lucky if I get a comment a week. Very odd.

Posted at 12:33pm Nov 6, 2008 EST