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MmeRubys says:
ShaNic: that is true and a hard collective memory to move above, but if we live in the past we have the danger of repeating it.


also if we don't remember it, it will happen again.

Posted at 12:28am Feb 19, 2009 EST

why do we have to become color blind?
it's just the same as being PC
i think we should carry our "Race" with pride, it make a person unique

Posted at 12:29am Feb 19, 2009 EST

I know some people are annoyed when I bring these topics up, but... it needs to be talked about. period.

Posted at 12:29am Feb 19, 2009 EST

MissEmmyGreen says:
why do we have to become color blind?
it's just the same as being PC
i think we should carry our "Race" with pride, it make a person unique
well said.

Posted at 12:30am Feb 19, 2009 EST

S2WebWriting avatar
S2WebWriting says

"There's no possible way to see that cartoon from the New York Post with the policemen shooting the chimp and saying, "Someone else will have to write the next Stimulus Plan" as anything other than racist and sick, IMO."

i would 100% agree with that

Posted at 12:30am Feb 19, 2009 EST

karabu says

MissEmmyGreen says:
of course it's unfair!
in CA we have a few grants offered to any group as long as they qualify; good grades, parent income, parents education ect
but for now i just cant see minorities go off to college with out the help of grants offered because of how our school system puts them in the corner

It depends on the minority. When I was applying to colleges I remember someone coming from the UC system to talk to us. She said that if there weren't quotas on race, many white students would find it difficult to get into the school of their choice. She said that Berkley, for example, would have a huge majority of Asian students if they went on merit alone.

Philosophically, I agree that race should be a non issue. But it's too easy, as part of a privileged majority, to discount the problems of discrimination. It isn't part of our daily experience so it's harder to really appreciate what actually happens in the world versus what we think is happening, or what we think should happen.

Posted at 12:32am Feb 19, 2009 EST

MmeRubys says

Sha thank you for opening up the dialog

Posted at 12:35am Feb 19, 2009 EST

The point is, Federal and State grants are for everyone, but private grants are not. My daughter received a scholarship this past year in relation to an award she received and scholastic achievement. It was funded by a private foundation, so they could award it to whomever they wanted based on their criteria. No one would assume they were biased.

Posted at 12:35am Feb 19, 2009 EST

They say there are plenty of grants based on need, but really, they're not. I've applied for financial aid for 08-09 and just applied for 09-10, and was denied.

Yet I don't have a job, my mom doesn't have a job... hmm.. When I had a job, everything I made went to saving up to pay my tuition so I could get an education, because I can't get any help.

Posted at 12:35am Feb 19, 2009 EST

mathaowny says

MissEmmyGreen says:
why do we have to become color blind?
it's just the same as being PC
i think we should carry our "Race" with pride, it make a person unique


There's a difference between being proud of your race and being given privileges because of it.

Posted at 12:37am Feb 19, 2009 EST