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I knew you wouldn't mind gg, so I started the new thread
(cause you know these people get gabby

Posted at 5:14pm Nov 25, 2009 EST

no, but they have some really cool challenges and I figure there is one for just about eveybody

Posted at 5:15pm Nov 25, 2009 EST

LaBeq says

Yeah, checking into ticket resellers...I'm not paying $200 for a $15 ticket.

Posted at 5:15pm Nov 25, 2009 EST

gg, yes let him pick you up

Posted at 5:16pm Nov 25, 2009 EST

So, If I end up having a holiday sale, what kind of sale do you guys think i should do?

Posted at 5:16pm Nov 25, 2009 EST

For any new peeps, once the current thread titled "Sneak Attackers Unite" reaches 10,000 posts, a new thread is started.

That's why we just moved.

Posted at 5:17pm Nov 25, 2009 EST

no typie..... kitty on my lap

Posted at 5:17pm Nov 25, 2009 EST

awwwwwwwww kitty moved... too much typing for her I guess.

Posted at 5:17pm Nov 25, 2009 EST

KtOriginals said:
So, If I end up having a holiday sale, what kind of sale do you guys think i should do?

Im doing a BOGO 1/2 off.

Posted at 5:18pm Nov 25, 2009 EST


Posted at 5:19pm Nov 25, 2009 EST