GOT GLASS? The FIRE DIVAS do!...Listings, Promos, Chat - Week 6/21-627

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Janel, that new focal is dreamy! Thanks for getting the word out on the challenge everyone!!!

Hoping to make it to the torch today. So sick of trying to teach myself Windows 7! UGH! That gif I made for us took me around 9 hours! The last one in XP took me 15 minutes! ARGH!!!

Posted at 1:03pm Jun 25, 2010 EDT

Love beads of the day today! You guys with your gorgeous organics made me want to get out my silver and try some. HA! Yeah... those beads are going straight to the ugly bowl! I'll leave the "grown-up" girl beads to you professionals! :-)

Posted at 4:57pm Jun 25, 2010 EDT

Hey everyone! Hope you're all enjoying your weekend!

Great choice for BOD Lara! BTW, you need to select a new featured item since it looks like 1 sold. Love the colors in this one:

Holly, you need to select a new featured bead too. :-) & is this set new? I love it!

Tera, I love this new paisley bead!

Janel, great color in this focal!

Ema, is this new? I love it!

I just uploaded a cabochon. I have had some requests to make them from customers & got myself some new cabochon mandrels so have been having fun playing with them.

Posted at 1:09pm Jun 26, 2010 EDT

Ema love your new cab! I've been wanting to get one or two different shaped cab mandrels! Love the colors in this flower set!

Beadygirl love how you put these colors together!

Lara this bead is hecka cool!!!

Holly love how the colors play together in this scallop!

Here's a new focal!

Posted at 4:00pm Jun 26, 2010 EDT

AAAcccckkk! Not Ema! I meant Lea!!! sorry Lea :(

Posted at 4:01pm Jun 26, 2010 EDT

up early this morning...LAST DAY of the sale...i am exhausted...

here's a relist today...

hope ya'll have a great sunday...

Posted at 5:52am Jun 27, 2010 EDT

Lutrick says

Thanks Lea and Janel, those are both made with Clio

Here is another, loving this stuff.

Posted at 8:47pm Jun 27, 2010 EDT

Had a great weekend. Hope you all did too! I just listed this earring pair:

Posted at 10:02pm Jun 27, 2010 EDT