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ArtofAmy says

Galla won SO much stuff new you have no idea lol she will never have to shop on etsy again :(


Posted at 10:18pm Oct 11, 2010 EDT

galla15 says

Of course BIJI :)) Glad you made it over!!

I have very high hopes.

Posted at 10:18pm Oct 11, 2010 EDT

Thats fantastic Galla. You so deserved it!

Posted at 10:18pm Oct 11, 2010 EDT

Giftbearer says

If not everybody has created a list of the participants in your blog you can take a look at mine and copy those to get started, then just add them as new people join;

I did a list of the shops since that is more direct than list of blogs, but please provide your blog links here so that we all can comment and read them when you write about this project and it will multiply the Google exposure everyone involved will receive.

I encourage you to write in your blog regularly about our activities. Check my blog out as an example.

Posted at 10:19pm Oct 11, 2010 EDT

TurtleXIII says

Posted at 10:19pm Oct 11, 2010 EDT

Thanks Turtle!

Posted at 10:19pm Oct 11, 2010 EDT

galla15 says

awww Thank you guys :) You ALL helped me so thank you!!!

You can NEVER have too much handmade goodies!

Posted at 10:19pm Oct 11, 2010 EDT

Laura Milnor Iverson avatar
laurali says

Hi Galla :-).

That's a pendant I just finished this morning of my latest painting of Loki, my cat. I should probably have one that's more recognizable of my work but what the heck?

Posted at 10:20pm Oct 11, 2010 EDT

TurtleXIII says

lets try that again

Posted at 10:20pm Oct 11, 2010 EDT