ATTENTION GLASS LOVERS - New Items From Creative Glass Guild for 08/13/08

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Oh very cool! You guys are so fun!

Flowing, congrats on the song lyrics. You know more of them than I do, but that song is a bit of a clue.

The suspense is terrible...I hope it lasts!

I guess it isn't fair to keep you all in the dark any longer, although it is fun to watch you all guessing. Time for the big clue in...

I am a Bear.

My partner is also a Bear.

We have many Bear and Cub friends...

Bears are subset of the gay community (there are lot of subsets in the gay community). They are usually hairy, but don't have to be, with facial hair and range in sizes.

Cubs, would be a smaller/younger variety of bear and may not be as furry as their larger counterparts.

And bears do greet each other with a 'WOOF' or two or three.

There's quite an large, active, fun group in every major city in the US and around the world and they hold all kinds of parties and events throughout the year. Nearly a weekend doesn't go by when there isn't a Bear event somewhere.

There, now you've all had your bedtime story for tonight.

You've been terrific with all the fun guesses and theories, and it has been quite fun.

Have a great night all!


Posted at 11:19pm Aug 13, 2008 EDT

formfireglassworks avatar
formfireglassworks says

Thanks for the answers, Lloyd - you really were keeping us in suspense!

Posted at 11:37pm Aug 13, 2008 EDT

I wasn't trying to.

I didn't think it would be this big of a deal. I figured those that knew what I meant would see the posts and the others would just ignore it.

I never dreamed we have so many theories and guesses. It was rather fun though.


Have a great night,


Posted at 1:37am Aug 14, 2008 EDT

Well, Lloyd, thanks for ending the suspense--you're right, it was fun! Silly of you to think we would just ignore an opening like that, really. ;-)

Posted at 9:12am Aug 14, 2008 EDT

Good Morning,

Flowing,I guess you're right about that. It was silly of me to think that, but I did. Ooops!


Here's our new thread for today, Everyone.

Have a great day,


Posted at 9:20am Aug 14, 2008 EDT