Melbourne Meetup

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annalaura says

Yeah, that is a good lost so far!

I've posted in my blog about the meet up as well as on the flickr melbourne page and in the yahoo groups, but if people mention it to people they know it will help if people are not on the shoplocal/local sellers.

Posted at 6:46am Jan 17, 2008 EST

hamster says

Hi Boxofglory,

Thanks for the invite :) I would love to come but I'm not sure if I'll be able to make it. If I don't get back to you then just assume I'm not able to come :(.

Hope you all have good fun either way!


Posted at 7:37am Jan 17, 2008 EST

boxofglory says

I just finished L-P... including yesterday's lot, that makes 78 convos! Wow!

I have hearted so many sellers though! So much talent in Melbourne! :D

Posted at 7:40am Jan 17, 2008 EST

annalaura says

Wow, great work Kerry! I'm not sure if I will get time tomorrow as I have the market and then have to pack as I'm shifting on Saturday, so if someone else wants to help out that would be great. Oh and I know what you mean about finding more great shops!

Posted at 8:19am Jan 17, 2008 EST

pammy416 says

I've missed the last couple of meetings but I would love to actually get to meet you guys. I will make every effort to be there. can't promise but I will try very hard this time.

Posted at 8:37am Jan 17, 2008 EST

Where and when is this meetup? I can't seem to find any details in this forum_thread??!!

Posted at 3:20pm Jan 17, 2008 EST

annalaura says

hese are the details

Date: Sunday 3rd Feb 2008
Time 12.30 - late afternoon (whenever anyone leaves)
Where Treasury Gardens for a picnic lunch.

Here is an map to show where we will be:

Posted at 4:36pm Jan 17, 2008 EST

pukapuka says

Love to come, but I am actually moving to Sydney at end of Jan - permanently - must catch the Estians up there instead.
have fun

Posted at 4:38pm Jan 17, 2008 EST

belkemp says

Hi anna,
Thanku for contacting me, I'd love to come.

Posted at 6:12pm Jan 17, 2008 EST

boxofglory says

1. Interrobang
2. Anna Laura
3. Box of Glory
4. Bridbird
5. emeraldvintage
6. Scarlettcat
7. happyheartdesigns
8. KCamilleri
9. holajed (maybe)
10. gitte
11. amandacroatto
12. mizudesigns
13. belkemp

Posted at 6:20pm Jan 17, 2008 EST