~♥ Etsy Angels Team January 2011 Chat-Promotions Thread ♥~

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"ORVAL is Ouachita River Valley Animal League. The purpose behind this organization is to help provide assistance to those "furbaby parents" who can't afford medical care to their new pets.

Let's go shopping!!!

Ozarknana, www.Ozarknana.etsy.com
50% of each Charity Mascot, 10% of everything else in store sold.( shop is on Vacation but will make mascots, please contact SEwinggranny)

Sewinggranny, www.sewinggranny.etsy.com/
10% of everything in the store sold.

SilkCreekGallery, www.silkcreekgallery.etsy.com
10% of everything in the store sold.

MamaJody54, www.mamajody54.etsy.com/
20% of everything in the store sold.

CBLandCompany, www.cblandcompany.etsy.com/
10% of all sales for the month of January.

JewelryBargainShop, www.jewelrybargainshop.etsy.com/
10% of all sales for the month of January.

BeadzNStonezSupplies, www.beadznstonezsupplies.etsy.com/
$20 donation

BeadedTail, beadedtail.etsy.com/
25% of all sales for the month of January

crochetbymsa: crochetbymsa.etsy.com
10% of all sales for the month of January

Arrivingangels: arrivingangels.etsy.com
10% of all sales for the month of January

Wildlifer78: www.wildlifer78.etsy.com/
25% of all sales for month of January

AJStuff: www.etsy.com/shop/AJStuff?section_id=7673682
50% of everything in my Etsy Angels Charity Section

10% of sales!

craftsbychris, www.etsy.com/shop/craftsbychris
10% of January sales

OOhLeela: www.isabelafelix.etsy.com
10% of all items sold.

Maranda: www.etsy.com/shop/maranda
10% of all items sold.

myminimocs - is making a $10 furbaby donation.
love to have visits to my blog or FB page since my shop is temporarily closed...

Posted at 12:28pm Jan 18, 2011 EST

New listing up....Cute reversible baby burp pad set:

Posted at 12:56pm Jan 18, 2011 EST

Great attitude Mona! And WOW, you ARE on a roll!

Posted at 1:02pm Jan 18, 2011 EST


"ORVAL is Ouachita River Valley Animal League. The purpose behind this organization is to help provide assistance to those "furbaby parents" who can't afford medical care to their new pets.

Let's go shopping!!!

Ozarknana, www.Ozarknana.etsy.com
50% of each Charity Mascot, 10% of everything else in store sold.( shop is on Vacation but will make mascots, please contact SEwinggranny)

Sewinggranny, www.sewinggranny.etsy.com/
10% of everything in the store sold.

SilkCreekGallery, www.silkcreekgallery.etsy.com
10% of everything in the store sold.

MamaJody54, www.mamajody54.etsy.com/
20% of everything in the store sold.

CBLandCompany, www.cblandcompany.etsy.com/
10% of all sales for the month of January.

JewelryBargainShop, www.jewelrybargainshop.etsy.com/
10% of all sales for the month of January.

BeadzNStonezSupplies, www.beadznstonezsupplies.etsy.com/
$20 donation

BeadedTail, beadedtail.etsy.com/
25% of all sales for the month of January

crochetbymsa: crochetbymsa.etsy.com
10% of all sales for the month of January

Arrivingangels: arrivingangels.etsy.com
10% of all sales for the month of January

Wildlifer78: www.wildlifer78.etsy.com/
25% of all sales for month of January

AJStuff: www.etsy.com/shop/AJStuff?section_id=7673682
50% of everything in my Etsy Angels Charity Section

10% of sales!

craftsbychris, www.etsy.com/shop/craftsbychris
10% of January sales

OOhLeela: www.isabelafelix.etsy.com
10% of all items sold.

Maranda: www.etsy.com/shop/maranda
10% of all items sold.

myminimocs - is making a $10 furbaby donation.
love to have visits to my blog or FB page since my shop is temporarily closed...

Posted at 1:03pm Jan 18, 2011 EST

BeadedTail says

Hi Angels!

I'm in the doghouse at work for taking yesterday afternoon off so have been cranking out returns since 6am this morning. I hope to stop working at 2pm though because I need a nap! And after reading about all Granny has done, I guess I need to do a lot around here too!

Ozark, hope you get your house rented quickly. The shirts are a great idea! Every time I go to Disneyland I see families in matching shirts and it's so cute! Plus it makes it easy to pick out people in the crowds.

Maranda, thanks for letting us know about Michelle!

Sorry I couldn't personalize this more but I need to get back to work. Where's that dang sales fairy?

Posted at 1:23pm Jan 18, 2011 EST

lol....beaded, we always need to be doing more around the house but I think it is only in our heads...hubbys do not seem to notice! Sorry you are in the doghouse! I agree you do need a nap!

Posted at 1:46pm Jan 18, 2011 EST

Thanks Isabela...it gets me through the days... I have finally figured out I can not control the world or the people in it..... we get done what we can!

Posted at 1:47pm Jan 18, 2011 EST

MamaJody54 says

Afternoon, Angels!!!!

Posted at 2:04pm Jan 18, 2011 EST

MamaJody54 says


"ORVAL is Ouachita River Valley Animal League. The purpose behind this organization is to help provide assistance to those "furbaby parents" who can't afford medical care to their new pets.

Let's go shopping!!!

Ozarknana, www.Ozarknana.etsy.com
50% of each Charity Mascot, 10% of everything else in store sold.( shop is on Vacation but will make mascots, please contact SEwinggranny)

Sewinggranny, www.sewinggranny.etsy.com/
10% of everything in the store sold.

SilkCreekGallery, www.silkcreekgallery.etsy.com
10% of everything in the store sold.

MamaJody54, www.mamajody54.etsy.com/
20% of everything in the store sold.

CBLandCompany, www.cblandcompany.etsy.com/
10% of all sales for the month of January.

JewelryBargainShop, www.jewelrybargainshop.etsy.com/
10% of all sales for the month of January.

BeadzNStonezSupplies, www.beadznstonezsupplies.etsy.com/
$20 donation

BeadedTail, beadedtail.etsy.com/
25% of all sales for the month of January

crochetbymsa: crochetbymsa.etsy.com
10% of all sales for the month of January

Arrivingangels: arrivingangels.etsy.com
10% of all sales for the month of January

Wildlifer78: www.wildlifer78.etsy.com/
25% of all sales for month of January

AJStuff: www.etsy.com/shop/AJStuff?section_id=7673682
50% of everything in my Etsy Angels Charity Section

10% of sales!

craftsbychris, www.etsy.com/shop/craftsbychris
10% of January sales

OOhLeela: www.isabelafelix.etsy.com
10% of all items sold.

Maranda: www.etsy.com/shop/maranda
10% of all items sold.

myminimocs - is making a $10 furbaby donation.
love to have visits to my blog or FB page since my shop is temporarily closed...

Posted at 2:10pm Jan 18, 2011 EST

Hello everyone!

I like your thinking there Mona :)
Great new listing!

Sharla, hope you can squeeze that nap in :)

So glad Michelle is OK, thanks for letting us know Maranda!

Mel, I wish you could just slow down and have a couple of weeks to relax. We all worry about you.
I wish we were in a position to move there today, it would be cool to be your neighbor :) All eight of my fur babies are included in the deal though LOL, and there aren't too many people out there that will rent to people with so many fur kids.

Hi Amanda, Jody, Peggy and Isabela!!

Posted at 2:21pm Jan 18, 2011 EST