GOT GLASS? The FIRE DIVAS do!...This Week's New Lampwork Listings 8/31-9/6

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Lauren, Thanks so much for the blog plug! I so appreciate!
My smoker's hack is so bad, I'm debating seeing my doc. I worked in the shop yesterday and I know that's what set it off...there was so much ash in there!

Janel, That dragonfly was an experiment... I wasn't very happy with it. I was trying to see if I could case coral with amethyst and see if both would be apparent in the final bead... I had forgotten an old Leah Fairbanks lesson: to make brown, case coral with amethyst! So it was interesting...but not what I hoped for! LOL!

Check out Eileen's Ring of roses:

I love this hemp necklace of Janel's

And Ms. Lauren - I can't believe someone hasn't snapped those boobies up!

Posted at 1:26pm Sep 4, 2009 EDT

Oh and I wanted to give a shout out to Jennifer, my RR partner...check out field of's ON SALE!!!

Posted at 1:28pm Sep 4, 2009 EDT

Just sneaked out to see a movie and sit in some a/c... All about Steve = All about boring... save your $$$

Posted at 7:54pm Sep 4, 2009 EDT

Did any Diva get selected to beta test "rearrange your shop." I did not (kicks ash and starts coughing....)

Posted at 8:01pm Sep 4, 2009 EDT

I DID get the feature! Dorky Holly was on the WRONG PAGE! I'm going to test it out now....

Posted at 8:03pm Sep 4, 2009 EDT

Lutrick says

Ok, so apparently I can never link to the right listing? What wrong with me. Sorry. Somehow I think I'm doing it right, but I'm not.

Holly I rearrainged my shop. I like having that option.

Posted at 10:28pm Sep 4, 2009 EDT

Lutrick says

Whew, it is always so hard to figure out whom to promote in the "bead of a day" post on the blog.

I choose Patty Lankinsmith after glassbeads posted a link to her fabulous cha cha bracelet. I also loved Patty's Cheney meanie from yesterday and thought it deserved attention.

Patty your jewelry has gone in amazing directions this year and I just love it all.

Posted at 11:12pm Sep 4, 2009 EDT

DavesHomemade avatar
DavesHomemade says

I am popping in as's eileen from ...this is my second shop i'm managing for dear hubby...

i was fooling around with the rearranging my shop but i was so busy at work i gave will take some time but it is a cool feature...i didn't realize it was a test...

check it out...lauren just bought our NEW SCENT...if you like candles you've gotta give dave's a try...amazing scents and they burn beautifully...SOLD AND RELISTED...

Posted at 11:53pm Sep 4, 2009 EDT

Cute but disgusting name! haha! The scent sounds delicious.

I just want to make sure everyone stop by to see open studio friday

Posted at 12:00am Sep 5, 2009 EDT

i'm back now...
hey jennifer...i read your tweet about the young girl...i plan on helping her for the party...thank you for sharing that...

this is an awesome bead in jennifer's shop...

of to bed...nite nite...

Posted at 12:50am Sep 5, 2009 EDT