♣♠♥♦SNEAK ATTACK♣♠♥♦ Thursday, April 15 at 7:00PM EDT

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Engelfelt said:
verveinteriors said:
I really want one of those spotted flowers (for myself), but I also want a hair doodle organizer (for myself)!

OOh--I missed those. Which shop?


Posted at 11:57pm Apr 15, 2010 EDT

Going back to my shopping for a bit....

Posted at 11:57pm Apr 15, 2010 EDT

LaBeq says

I threw shotput and discus in high school. And ran the mile.

Posted at 11:57pm Apr 15, 2010 EDT

Engelfelt says

verveinteriors said:
Engelfelt said:
verveinteriors said:
Did you run well in your track meet, Eng?

I was timing, not running! But it was a gorgeous day, and it's really fun to see all the kids out there working hard.

Steve coaches the high school distance runners (I am NOT a runner) and ever since our oldest was in high school, I have helped time at the meets. It's much more interesting than sitting in the stands watching.

My next guess was discus, and then javelin.

Har!! I'd impale someone for sure.

Posted at 11:57pm Apr 15, 2010 EDT

Engelfelt says

LaBeq said:
I threw shotput and discus in high school. And ran the mile.

Wow! What a combo!

Posted at 11:58pm Apr 15, 2010 EDT

Ugh. They tried to make me do discus and shotput, cause of my sturdy-and-tall look, but they soon found out how miserably unathletic I am.

Posted at 12:12am Apr 16, 2010 EDT

LaBeq says

When we started up the track team at my high school in Japan, the coach only knew how to coach running events, not field events. My sister had taught me to throw shot and discus when I was 12 or 13, so I was responsible for my own training for those events. Discus always came naturally to me, shotput not so much, although I at least knew how to do it correctly. And I ran the mile just because. When we moved back to Maryland, practices were a little more structured. I couldn't combine the running and throwing anymore, so I dropped the mile.

Posted at 12:16am Apr 16, 2010 EDT

Engelfelt says

verveinteriors said:
Got this:


For you, or for your niece? What letter will you pick?

Posted at 12:26am Apr 16, 2010 EDT

It's totally for me- how shameful is that!

Hmmmm.... K or V?

Posted at 12:28am Apr 16, 2010 EDT