Necklace display tutorial

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rebecca404 says

I thought I'd share how I made some nice looking necklace displays. :o)

While looking for cheap necklace displays to use for my next craft fair, it occurred to me that I should just try something with the random supplies that I already have....

First, I cut up a cardboard box (I used a Priority Mail box someone mailed to me). The taller the box, the taller your display will be. I cut a rectangular portion using the top flap and bottom flap.

I then took some thick fabric (I used an old sweater) and duct taped it to the middle and top portion. It really just needs to cover the middle portion, but I liked the look of it going onto the top a bit. Don't cover the bottom flap.

I then found some fabric to cover the whole thing. I used black velvet for one, pretty blue fabric for another. Pin the fabric around the cardboard, good side in. You may want to draw a line to show where to sew. Slip the cardboard out of its new sleeve and sew the sleeve shut. Flip the sleeve inside-out, showing the good side.

Slip the fabric sleeve over your cardboard that is partially covered with thick fabric. It should be a tight fit.

Carefully sew up the ends. I folded the fabric in a bit and sewed it as close to the "inside" of the display as the fabric would allow. When you approach the middle of the sewing line, insert a piece of long ribbon on each flap. This will be for the tie/bow. Since my cardboard wasn't too thick, I also sewed the fabric TO the cardboard. It prevents the fabric from pulling away when the display is tied and looks much nicer.

Bend the two flaps so the pieces of ribbon meet. Tie it as tight or loose as you think looks best. A loose tie is slightly less stable, but stands up taller.

Ta da! You have a very cheap, but nice looking necklace display.

Here's a link to a picture:

Posted at 11:04am Mar 17, 2007 EDT


Wow! Very nice indeed!

Posted at 11:42am Mar 17, 2007 EDT

ArtistaLatina avatar
ArtistaLatina says

Very impressive and professional looking! Thanks for sharing.

Posted at 12:09pm Mar 17, 2007 EDT

stitcherx says

Thank you for your tutorial :)
It's very nice!

Posted at 1:17pm Mar 17, 2007 EDT

Thank you I am going to find some boxes to try this on :)

Posted at 1:19pm Mar 17, 2007 EDT

maggiejs says

Great, thanks for the ideas!

Posted at 1:24pm Mar 17, 2007 EDT

rebecca404 says

Glad to hear everyone likes the idea! It was too simple not to share. :o)

Posted at 2:43pm Mar 17, 2007 EDT

That's so cool!

You should all definitely make your own displays, you will absolutely stand out from everyone else. At the holiday show I did, EVERYONE had those commecial displays and I did my own display with rustic wood platters that I layed my necklaces and braclets on, cardboard polka-dot earring displays, and I had a cool vitage mirror for people to see how things looked. I know I sold more than anyone at the show.

Posted at 2:54pm Mar 17, 2007 EDT

PhoenixMoon avatar
PhoenixMoon says

they look great. well done

Posted at 3:16pm Mar 17, 2007 EDT

rebecca404 says

I'm glad to hear your own stand out more...I was thinking of breaking down and buying some. I can't really afford it, though! :oP

Posted at 7:48pm Mar 17, 2007 EDT