Wow What Arrogance!

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EllieDee avatar
EllieDee says

You would think that someone with such superiority and self espoused knowledge, would have more class, rather than use their superiority to put others down! "Your Style" which certainly isn't mine! Ranted and raved, and misunderstood, everything I was asking? I suppose ignorance is indeed, in the "i" of the beholder!

Posted at 5:14pm May 27, 2008 EDT


TheMadHatterDesignz avatar
TheMadHatterDesignz says

What happened?

Posted at 5:15pm May 27, 2008 EDT

TJTDesign says

I am sorry to hear that, it sounds rather frustrating...

Posted at 5:15pm May 27, 2008 EDT

Yikes. If you feel you have been wronged please report it to admin and let them look into it. Sorry you were treated unfairly....

Posted at 5:15pm May 27, 2008 EDT

adorationsoap avatar
adorationsoap says

I'm totally confused....:(

Posted at 5:15pm May 27, 2008 EDT

what happened?

Posted at 5:16pm May 27, 2008 EDT

What was your bad experience Ellie? Sorry to hear someone upset you.

Posted at 5:16pm May 27, 2008 EDT

Bombus says


Posted at 5:16pm May 27, 2008 EDT

Hmmmm ??? Sorry

Posted at 5:16pm May 27, 2008 EDT