I Support the CPSIA

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...or at least that's what my Congressman thinks!

Maybe a month ago I sent e-mail comments to all of my representatives telling them *not* to support the CPSIA. I'm pretty sure my opinion would have been clear to anyone who read the e-mails, since I included the recommended text from (I think) the handmade toy alliance, along with my own empassioned comments from the position of a small business owner.

Friday, I received in the mail a letter from my Congressman, Eric Cantor (R) of Virginia (also the Minority Whip) thanking me for my SUPPORT of the bill, and reiterating that Cantor had voted for it.

I am so hopping mad. What good is expressing a political opinion if they aides don't even read what you've written.

I'm going to try to call them when I get a chance this week to give them a piece of my mind and make sure they *really* know where I stand on this issue.

Just had to share.

Posted at 8:52pm Feb 9, 2009 EST


That is just...I don't even know! Nice to know we are all taken seriously.

Posted at 8:59pm Feb 9, 2009 EST

PearlyGrey says

I wonder how he did in reading comprehension :) Probably didn't pass that part of his SAT's.....

Posted at 9:02pm Feb 9, 2009 EST

At least I didn't vote for him (same historically here, just a different account). I have that to be thankful for (even though it has meant voting for no one, when they run him unopposed).

Posted at 9:03pm Feb 9, 2009 EST

Yeah am right there with you, am so mad politicians just dont care about any emails or letters cause no matter what they do or dont do they are still getting their paycheck, is frustrating that we small business owners dont get any respect, I wish I had the monies to get all the crafters and talented people in Etsy an fly them all to Washington and star nocking on doors and making some noise but any way just wanted to let you know you are not alone in your frustrations.

Posted at 9:11pm Feb 9, 2009 EST

I had the exact same thing happen to me. I sent another letter expressing my disgust and have not received anything back! Ugh!

Posted at 9:17pm Feb 9, 2009 EST

I wrote to my congressman as well and pointed out that the loss of cottage industry will cripple this already failing economy further. His response was only about the revisions for the resale and thrift stores and wasn't that nice? Yes, it's great that they did make those revisions, but it does not affect all the shops here on Etsy or any of the other online shops or brick and mortar shops people use to sell their handmade items. They just don't get it at all. I'm so frustrated and I don't even make items for children, I can only imagine what it's like for those here who do!

Posted at 9:19pm Feb 9, 2009 EST

I wrote three seperate very different letters to my Senator. I received three identical (word for word) responses -- sent about 2 minutes apart - he didn't even come close to address my issues. Utterly annoying.

Posted at 9:20pm Feb 9, 2009 EST

what good are they, then? Useless.

Posted at 9:30pm Feb 9, 2009 EST

Oh gosh... that's frustrating. I'm going to keep writing though... I know some of us will be heard!

Posted at 11:01pm Feb 9, 2009 EST