Does Twitter Actually Bring You SALES?

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It seems like there is a lot of debate on whether or not using twitter will actually bring sales versus views so I decided to share my experiences and hear other's experiences.

Now I can say Yes I have gotten sales from twitter!! Today I made 2 sales in my shop that were directly from twitter. Someone posted that they were looking for an anniversary present for their parents and wondered if anyone had any ideas. I've been selling quite a few of my personalized photos of vintage cash register keys that are arranged as dates and she bought not only one of those but another photo from my shop as well! Woohoo. Here it is if you are curious!

And Yes there is a point to twitter! I know a lot of people that are considering signing up or already have wonder what in the world is the point and what is all the hubbub (yes, I said hubbub!) about? I felt the exact same way at first. I am now totally addicted, as most people are that have been on there a while. Because it's FUN to connect with people all over the globe. It's sort of the same thing as people buying gossip magazines. You feel like you are in the know and it's sort of exciting. And the best part is you may even make some new friends on there. (I'm not talking about friends that I would tell my most intimate details to or even ever meet but just friends that are fun to chat with once in a while.)

I started on twitter about 2 months ago and I already have over 1,400 followers and counting. I figured out some cool tricks to getting "cool" people to follow you too.

1. Have an interesting tagline! No one wants to follow someone who sounds boring. If you are starting on twitter as more of a business, say something interesting about what you make instead of something personal-but be careful not to sound too "spammy" either.

2. Start following people that are already popular. Following someone else who only has 25 followers isn't going to get you very many people following you back.

3. This one is sort of funny to me. I look up celebrities and start following them BUT I also look at who they are following--NOT who is following them. Celebrities are more choosy with who they are going to follow. You may end up following a true friend of that celebrity who may actually end up following you back. It also makes other people wonder if you are part of that inner circle! It really is silly but it gets you a pretty big following fast and a cross market at the same time. Music and movie people like to buy art and handmade items too.

4. Use the twitter tools that people are always tweeting about once you get established. You can register yourself on many different sites, which will make you more searchable. Everyone on twitter gets ranked and you can look that up. There are so many twitter apps out there-just click on them once people you follow start posting them and see what happens. It's sort of fun too.

5. Basically just follow tons of people and tons of people will start following you back!

I would love to follow you on twitter! Please post your twitter link on here too. Mine is

Has anyone else had any sales because of twitter?

Posted at 5:06pm May 19, 2009 EDT


I started twittering in December, but didn't really do it because I didn't see the point. But since then I joined etsy and have heard how it can help my sales. Recently I started actually using it. I don't have any followers yet, so, so far it isn't working for me, lol. I appreciate you advice, and think I will start taking it more seriously! My twitter link is:

Posted at 6:19pm May 19, 2009 EDT

Kymsart777 says

Nope...but I really like twitter.

Posted at 6:20pm May 19, 2009 EDT

Not at all, but it's a fun timewaster :)

Posted at 6:25pm May 19, 2009 EDT

Kristi Yenter avatar
poetinme says

nope. and no one responds to my tweets either.

Posted at 6:27pm May 19, 2009 EDT

Angie Vandenbogaard avatar
jellybeans says

I know that it brings page views - there's no way to tell if I ever got a sale from it. But it's free, and takes only 10 minutes total in my day for all my tweets - if not less; so I will continue. I like to take advantage of any free sort of advertising opportunity ::)

(I twitter about life-going-ons more than promotional; so my feed isn't 100% spamish lol :)

Posted at 6:27pm May 19, 2009 EDT

I have gotten 2 sales from twitter...wait maybe 3.

Posted at 6:30pm May 19, 2009 EDT

Jelenity says

I am going to start one for myself. I am going to be under BrilliantMagic since my shop name is too long and the short version of it is already taken. ^_^

Thank you for the heads up. I have debating this for a while now too.

Posted at 6:35pm May 19, 2009 EDT

Kate Pride avatar
katepride says

Thanks for the idea Lilac. I just made a twitter account and added you :)

Posted at 6:36pm May 19, 2009 EDT