Pretty Pocket Tutorial

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A few weeks ago, Baggavond posted a link to a video she made using the animoto site... a jewelry design mat!

So I have created one too! It was fun and easy! This is a great little simple pocket idea for using up scrap paper! Below are some simple instructions and you can see pics if you click on this link!!

Cut a piece of paper into a rectangle. The paper I use is 12" long by 3.5" wide, but dimensions are easily adjusted! Using a glue stick, and starting at the bottom of the longest side, put glue about 8" up from the bottom. Fold the bottom up towards the top (about 3/4 of the way up) and then using a bone folder or your hands, secure each side of the pocket. Allow to dry!

Now you have a cute little pocket to really dress up your small handcrafted items! If your item is really small (like earrings or fancy beads or glass tiles) put them in small ziplock bag and then slide right into the pocket! If your items are sturdy, just slide them in, fold the top over and secure with a sticker! Now just add your extras (thank you notes, coupons, etc), tuck inside your mailer and you are good to go!

You have seen lots of ideas for makes envelopes, this is just a bit simpler and requires minimal cutting.

I use these pockets daily for packaging my binders and journals, but I think making them a bit bigger would work for so many items that are sold on Etsy! I have gotten plenty of good feedback on my packaging... my buyers love when they open up my bubble mailers and peek inside... they find a bit of color, a thank you note and attention to detail that makes them return for more!

For some ideas on how I use them, please also visit my flickr page at

Good luck everyone as you think outside the box for the upcoming holiday season!

Posted at 11:05pm Sep 12, 2009 EDT


I worked hard on this... hope it helps someone :)!

Posted at 11:17pm Sep 12, 2009 EDT

StudioYTE says

beautiful - thank you!

Posted at 11:22pm Sep 12, 2009 EDT

Thanks for sharing this. I like the pockets and think you've done a good job with them. I'm off to check out your shop!

Posted at 11:27pm Sep 12, 2009 EDT

Great tutorial!

Posted at 11:45pm Sep 12, 2009 EDT

thanks everyone! Head over there to animoto... it was a great way to spend a rainy evening!

Posted at 12:06am Sep 13, 2009 EDT

lillipopsdesigns avatar
lillipopsdesigns says

Beautiful! I'm just loving your shop... it appeals to the neat freak in me!

Posted at 2:17am Sep 13, 2009 EDT

fattybird says

Ah but to have that rainy evening!
Hey that was a great video. I'm definitely inspired. Your work looks first class.

Posted at 2:36am Sep 13, 2009 EDT

pushing back up to the top for the Sunday morning crowd!

Posted at 9:54am Sep 13, 2009 EDT

I'm bumping for the Sunday afternoon crowd

Posted at 3:33pm Sep 13, 2009 EDT