Vintage Life magazines

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Original Post

Mebeam says

I have available a bound collection of Life magazines, May through June,
1955...a great collection of vintage photographs and advertisements.

Please contact me if you are interested in obtaining this collection of
magazines...some creative person would find this a great resource for
projects and ideas!

Maureen Beaman
Friends of Whitefish Bay Library
Whitefish Bay, Wisconsin
(suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin)

Posted at 1:21pm Sep 18, 2009 EDT


I know some boys in Nigeria who would love to subscribe to your magazine! I'll pass them along your e-mail and phone number!

Posted at 1:23pm Sep 18, 2009 EDT

MABjewelry says

Hey, I got an e-mail from those Nigerian fellows, and I'm going to be a millionaire soon! :)

Posted at 1:25pm Sep 18, 2009 EDT

Mebeam says

Dear Seababejewlry:

There are some artists on Etsy that use vintage materials in their creations...usually these artists are looking for good sources of vintage photographs and advertisements.

I realize you are a silversmith and may not be familiar with the range of materials used by different artists that exhibit their items on Etsy.

In addition, I find your reference to "boys in Nigeria" culturally offensive.


Posted at 1:31pm Sep 18, 2009 EDT

Dear Maureen,

The artists that use vintage materials do not spam the forums. They list their pieces in accordance with Etsy's TOU's and pay their fees. I am a silversmith, but I am also familliar with a great range of materials and Etsy's TOU's.

Posted at 1:37pm Sep 18, 2009 EDT

BTW, didn't Etsy shut you down the other day? Why are you back?

Posted at 1:37pm Sep 18, 2009 EDT

MABjewelry says

Sorry, mebeam. The best thing to do would be to photograph them, list them, and sell them within the guidelines of etsy. I'm sure someone out there could use them.
Good luck.

Posted at 1:37pm Sep 18, 2009 EDT

She did this 2 days ago.

Posted at 1:38pm Sep 18, 2009 EDT

Laine avatar
FancyPantsAndMore says

Seriously, if you want to sell some magazines I suggest you start a shop and put them up for sale. This is a pretty tacky way to go about it and I find your roundabout way of trying to sell something offensive to legit shops.

Posted at 1:38pm Sep 18, 2009 EDT