Front Page Aggravation

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Original Post

I do not normally start a thread, but I am sick and tired of seeing the SAME PEOPLE on the front page, HOW MANY SELLERS ARE THERE registered????? I love looking at the front page and have even been on there myself, but I don't know why the same sellers are always on there! I have seen the same person on there today 4 times!!! I have just had enough, Thanks for letting me vent -- Surely I am not the only one who notices this!!???

Posted at 9:20pm Sep 22, 2009 EDT


lsueszabo says

i don't look at the front page often but i've heard others complaining about this on other threads. maybe you should make a formal comment to admin--can you even do that?

Posted at 9:22pm Sep 22, 2009 EDT

ZViolet says

Lots of threads about this. Angers others too.

Posted at 9:23pm Sep 22, 2009 EDT

Ok i just searched! yep a normal prob -- oh well, but still I wanted to vent!

Posted at 9:23pm Sep 22, 2009 EDT

I never look at the front page but I just did because of another thread....I saw some "creative" tagging

Posted at 9:24pm Sep 22, 2009 EDT

ara133 says

maybe they bring in shoppers :) The FP isn't about fairness, it's more about bringing in shoppers (and sellers), keeping people interested in buying... etc.

Posted at 9:26pm Sep 22, 2009 EDT

The front page is like any other public thing. Attention means more people see you means more people give you attention and so on and so forth. It happens in the news, it happens on the web. It's organic and probably not worth worrying about.

Posted at 9:27pm Sep 22, 2009 EDT

I hardly ever look at the FP!

Posted at 9:27pm Sep 22, 2009 EDT

Yep, ive been really noticing it too. I don't know if it's a group of folks who all know each other and consistently make treasuries so the odds are up that one of them will be picked for FP? It would be a brilliant if that were true. It's also about how the treasury is layed out, colors etc...

I always look to see who made the treasury, sometimes it etsy employees where it says 'searching through woodland' and other times just us folks. I guess etsy picks what sells too.

Posted at 9:33pm Sep 22, 2009 EDT

hellome says

Me either, Celtic. I probably should look at it more, but I have bookmarks that take me either to my shop or here to the forums lol. It always look nice when I do go there, though.

Posted at 9:33pm Sep 22, 2009 EDT