Etsy vs Ebay?

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soapapilla avatar
soapapilla says

Hi Everyone,

I'm contemplating the idea of adding an Ebay store along with keeping up my Etsy store. I'd like to have Etsy be my main store (thats the link I have on my business cards) since I love how it looks and I love the community, but I think Ebay has a larger audience and casts a wider net.

I'm just looking for feedback/information about people who have used Ebay to sell before. Is it worth it to have both? What are the pros/cons to have ebay as a 2nd store?


Posted at 7:19pm Oct 21, 2009 EDT


well, it's more work to run multiple stores. you need to keep up with policy on both sites - but yes, I guess it's worth it for me.

Posted at 7:20pm Oct 21, 2009 EDT

It is more work to run more stores. Right now I run 2 on here ( and and its hard to keep up with, along with my daytime job. The fees on Ebay are higher, and people are not buying/bidding like they used to. My sales went down on there.

Posted at 7:23pm Oct 21, 2009 EDT

If you go with Ebay get ready to pay much HIGHER fees!

Posted at 7:25pm Oct 21, 2009 EDT

soapapilla avatar
soapapilla says

yes, i am discovering those higher fees as I continue to do my research.

are sales higher for you all on etsy or ebay or is it about the same?

Posted at 7:29pm Oct 21, 2009 EDT

Etsy vs Ebay = Day vs Night

Posted at 7:30pm Oct 21, 2009 EDT

Jessica avatar
vintagehomerecycled says

Diversity is good, I love Etsy, really I do, but I like to have my eggs in multiple baskets.

In a bad month on Ebay my fees run 50% of my gross sales, on a good month less than 10%.

Posted at 7:30pm Oct 21, 2009 EDT

last Christmas my sales were about the same on each site - I kept roughly the same amount in inventory in both stores (not vintage - I also sell wreaths) my prices were the same on both venues as well - ebay tends to bring me more customers year round, but every product line is a bit different I spoz

Posted at 7:32pm Oct 21, 2009 EDT

I was wondering about this too. I know the fees are horrible but is it worth the exposer?

Posted at 7:32pm Oct 21, 2009 EDT

CitygirlCountryboy avatar
CitygirlCountryboy says

Thanks Soapapilla! I have been contemplating ebay too but for selling other things than I sell in my Etsy store. I am getting some good insight- and direction. I look forward to hearing some more opinions=)

Posted at 7:34pm Oct 21, 2009 EDT