Setting Sales Goals

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modmomME says

On several occasions I have been asked, "Why do you set sales goals each month? Aren't you setting yourself up for disappointment?" I think it is important to have a goal each month if you are going to be serious about selling here. I publicly announce my monthly sales goal, which helps to hold me accountable. A few of my Etsy friends set goals as well. We try to help each other out whether it is through promotion or purchases.

Setting a goal is not like picking numbers from a hat. You have to know your sales numbers from the previous months. You also have to take into account the time of year and the amount of work you are putting into it. Make your goals a challenge, but make them attainable!

I started here in June of last year and was lax with my goals. This year I am making goal setting a priority of mine. I exceeded my January goal and I am now 3 away from my February goal. What if I do not reach it? Will I be disappointed? Yes, but that just means I need to do better next month.

Posted at 6:54am Feb 23, 2010 EST


modmomME says

Do you set goals for yourself?

Posted at 7:23am Feb 23, 2010 EST

Yes definitely I set goals and yes I get disappointed. But disappointment can work two ways... it can put you in a slump or it can motivate you to find other ways to reach your goals and maybe exceed them. I choose to find other ways because I have not met my goals for February and so I will have to reach out further and who knows what that may bring... Off to check out your shop modmomME

Posted at 7:29am Feb 23, 2010 EST

I set goals but not for sale numbers. I set goals for what I need to get done that month. This month, for instance, I've accomplished upgrading my pet portrait website, finishing commissions, and adding cat paintings to my shop here.

Posted at 7:42am Feb 23, 2010 EST

Poocheze avatar
Poocheze says

I set lots of goals, but never for sales. That is the one thing I can't control. I can control how much I promote, but I can't force someone to actually buy. ;)


Posted at 7:45am Feb 23, 2010 EST

I try to set goals too, however sometimes I get disappointed too. however it is a good think to set a goal since if this month your goal wasn't achieved that means you still need a lot of work to do to set your goals. I believe that once you set up a goal makes you feel more motivated.

Posted at 7:45am Feb 23, 2010 EST

novella says

Well said Poocheze. When I'm really busy, my goals sorta fly out the door.

Posted at 7:46am Feb 23, 2010 EST

modmomME says

Maybe I am wrong, but I think setting a sales goal helps you get more sales. I like to believe that my fans, followers, friends, and family like to see me succeed. I know that I cannot control my sales, but I have a good grasp on my sales numbers and my potential. If I do not reach my goal it will only motivate me to do better.

Posted at 7:56am Feb 23, 2010 EST

Having goals is a great motivator, we all need something to work towards ;0)

Posted at 8:03am Feb 23, 2010 EST

modmomME says

PinkSherbert I agree! Cute shop BTW. <3ed you :)

Posted at 8:28am Feb 23, 2010 EST