I've freaking HAD IT.

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I have HAD IT. This is utter BS!

For six months, I knew something was wrong with my oven. I asked our landlord over and over again to get it repaired or replaced. He is the most stereotypical spanish New York landlord you could ever imagine, which pretty much means his promises of a new one (or of any repairs, really) are a verbal pat on the head until I threaten litigation over it.

I also showed the new maintenance guy the problem with the stove. We thought it might have been a problem with the older power grid in the apartment, but he fixed that. He said he'd tell the landlord to get a new one. That was a month ago. He's a big fan of my baking- I gave him incentive to get the oven fixed when I'd asked. ^_~ So far, no word from the landlord, though.

Now the oven is completely broken. Fortunately, I can still mostly use the burners, but the heating coils in the oven are completely nonfunctional. Only the oven light comes on. I do much of my cooking in the oven. I'm calling the landlord in the morning- either he replaces this oven in 30 days (Florida laws), or I'm buying one and giving him the bill. I don't want to, since he can be an ass and kick us out in retaliation, and we really can't afford any place that I know of until I get a job, but if I have to, I will. I won't go without an oven! RAWR!

Posted at 10:41pm Mar 9, 2010 EST


I had problems with my oven for months, but I fixed it. Is it a gas oven, I can fix it. (Maybe...)

Posted at 10:47pm Mar 9, 2010 EST

AuntieDis says

I hope you get your oven fixed!

Posted at 10:49pm Mar 9, 2010 EST

rtbfFirstName1633 rtbfLastName1633 avatar
rtbfLoginName1633 says

"stereotypical spanish New York landlord"

Wow, that's something else.

Posted at 10:49pm Mar 9, 2010 EST

I had the same oven problem in my old place - my landlord was similarly inattentive, but I took pictures of the oven ON and a picture of the oven thermometer at the same time (showing that no matter what you set it to, it would go to 450 degrees) and I got the ok to buy a new oven and take it out of the rent for the next month pretty soon. maybe photos (if it's even possible) will help you out?

Posted at 10:51pm Mar 9, 2010 EST

MoonFairy says

*type delete*

Posted at 10:53pm Mar 9, 2010 EST

TwoIndustriousFerret avatar
TwoIndustriousFerret says

I told our landlord the toilet was broken a year ago multiple times. We move out, he's threatening to sue me becuase it's broken. Wtf?

Posted at 10:53pm Mar 9, 2010 EST

Rather than buying a new oven, could you just get new heating elements from an appliance store? Would be cheaper.

Posted at 10:56pm Mar 9, 2010 EST

My oven isn't good either. My landlord is nice, but he's tries to get his way out of things.

What did your landlord say?
Is he going to fix it?

Posted at 10:58pm Mar 9, 2010 EST

annaCsophia avatar
annaCsophia says

Someone I know yesterday said, "I HATE Chinese people". I asked her, "How would you feel if someone said I HATE black people? Don't be a disgusting racist".

Posted at 10:59pm Mar 9, 2010 EST