I want other Etsy Sellers to know about a bad buyer - How do I do that?

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Original Post

kimkdep says

Is there a way to let other Etsy Sellers know about a bad buyer without breaking the Etsy rules?

Posted at 12:18pm Mar 10, 2010 EST


write it in a blog or something because you cant broadcast it here. (against the TOS)

Posted at 12:19pm Mar 10, 2010 EST


Posted at 12:19pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

BeastieDesigns avatar
BeastieDesigns says

only if you convo everyone

or go to another site n vent

or just break the rules here?

Posted at 12:19pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

No. You can convo a few friends, but making a public annoucement of any kind breaks the rules. Etsy admin does not tolerate calling out.

Posted at 12:19pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

You can't, it's considered calling out, and is against the terms of use.

Think: what was a bad experience for you may well have been a bad experience for them, too. Do you want them telling the world you're a bad seller?

Posted at 12:19pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

hollygems says

Nope. You can let etsy abuse know about it, though.

Posted at 12:19pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

5by5 says


Posted at 12:19pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

Start a new thread with the sellers name in the title.


Posted at 12:20pm Mar 10, 2010 EST

lol tasteslikepurple


Posted at 12:21pm Mar 10, 2010 EST