Alchemy Request # !@%#^&#* A New Husband

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ALchemy Request # #$$%^%#@ for A new Husband:

I have had a request to post this in the forum. I am trying to have a little fun! I requested a new husband yesterday ( mine is a dud), here are some of the 40 responses and 6+ bids I received back:


I need a replacement husband. Thinking 1 maybe 2. Tall, dark and handsome please!!!!!! (mines a dud). I also need him delivered by tomorrow.

Materials: wallet, job

Tags: husband, new, replacement, tomorrow, tall, dark, hansome

Ideal price: $0.50

Deadline: Apr 10, 2010


..."Ok you have just made my day!!! I am rofl my a** off! I do wish I had a replacement
to send to you, but unfortunately I don't think I could find 1 (nevermind 2) with all
of the qualities you requested. LOL!"

..."I can't give you a husband, but I can sell you some jewelry to cheer you up! Lol."

..."Lolz. I like that one. Reminds me of the "Russian Brides Shipping" crap."

..."Word to the wise...try to stick with the one you've got. I've had 4 of them,
each one worse than the last! Never lose your sense of humor!

..."Chocolate is ALWAYS better than a man...actually it is better than alot of things ;)"

..."Hi, Would you like mine? Thank you. I have never laughed in Alchemy before."

..."God made man... Then she laughed!"

..."He's tall, inidan and a mechanic..."

..."well for .50 cent your not going get much!"

..." I'll be praying for your marriage"

..."I will donate my husband. haa haa"

..."Hi I can make a new and ideal husband for you. Just send me the photos of yout ideal
husband, I will make a perfect and lovely husband for you! Don't believe it? Just come
to my shop to have a look. I am sure you will be suprised."

...more to come!!!!!!

I thought for sure I'd get some nasty responses about 'what' alchemy is FOR! You've all been
a bunch of fun!!!!!!!

Hula Girl

Posted at 12:58pm Mar 21, 2010 EDT


rtbfFirstName5615142 rtbfLastName5615142 avatar
rtbfLoginName5615142 says

That's not funny and it's an abuse of the Etsy TOU. Don't you have friends you can vent to or something?

Posted at 12:59pm Mar 21, 2010 EDT

Morrigan avatar
Morrigan says

I like that :)

Posted at 1:00pm Mar 21, 2010 EDT

crazybeads avatar
crazybeads says

i find it pretty funny...

Posted at 1:00pm Mar 21, 2010 EDT

about 50 people thought it was funny. I work 16 hours a day I allowed to have some innocent fun?????? I think so! I like to lighten things up and sure had a bunch of fun.

Lighten up!!!!!!! LIVE LOVE LAUGH!!!!!!!

Posted at 1:01pm Mar 21, 2010 EDT

hollygems says

I think it's kinda funny but if a man did that, he would be ripped to shreds.

Posted at 1:02pm Mar 21, 2010 EDT

..."send him my way when you are done with him!"


Posted at 1:06pm Mar 21, 2010 EDT

hollygems says

I wonder what kind of comments something like this would get:


I need a replacement wife. Thinking 1 maybe 2. Thin, hot and excellent cooking skills!!!!!! (mines a dud). I also need her delivered by tomorrow.

Materials: sexy nightie, cooking skills

Tags: wife, new, replacement, tomorrow, tall, busty, gorgeous

Ideal price: $0.50

Deadline: Apr 10, 2010

Posted at 1:06pm Mar 21, 2010 EDT

actually that's kinda funny!!!!!! LOL

Posted at 1:15pm Mar 21, 2010 EDT